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NT named Μὲ δὲν 
AAing gies Uy 

By Lawrence K Altman 
New York Times Service 

Has any cancer eluded their 

Those. closest to the case, the 

experts at the National Cancer In- 


as if” the cancer was 
to the malignant 

+ The Associated Press 

President George Bush visited 
President Ronald Reagan on 
We for the first time since 


comment on whether Mr. 

health could affect U.S.-Soviet re- 
_.c ations, saying it was uaethical to 

..» speculate about ἃ leader's ailments, 

BETHESDA, Maryland — Vice recovery 

* eam, sid al the tests and visu 
inspections during jest 
Saturday showed "n0 evi in 

(Continaed on Page 2, Col. 1) 

Rallying Reagan; 
Moscow Is Quiet on Ailment 

“It really is dramatic the way the 
wery is aking place,” Mr: Bush 

toa 5 
7 was “ 
‘Beco Me eg a 
sence. “The president is, said 

Dollar Plunges in Europe. 
LONDON — The dollar fe Wednesday on European foceign- 

Ronald Reagan's health. 

markets to some of its lowest levels in 2 year. Anal 
ἔασι tho dealine to fitters aver the U.S. sconoaty cod President 

‘The dollar declined in Paris to 8.631 French francs from 8.7575. 

marks from 

Zurich it 

Tuesday. In 
$1.412 on Wednesday from $1.3885 the day 

lon gained 
before. Page 13. 

Delay Is 

Was Not Factor 
bye lobar 

thal don of interrupti President Ron- 
Pe sobedble during the 

ald Reagan’ 

amination until after the election, it 
would have made no sense to 
pone it eight more months until last 

Only at the lower third of 

‘Tha Associcned Prast 

The now-familiar mushroom cloud blossomed off Bikini after a test in the Pacific Ocean. 

wee ne 

By Malcolm δ. Browne 
New York Timer Service 
Tag eas ΣΎΝ 
‘orty ago this w 
flash of a fundred suns seared the 
New Mexican deseri, the sand at 
~~“, Trinity Site fused into jade-green 
yf plassand the nuclear age was born. 
Within 24 days after the Trinity 

% explosion since 1963, To be sure, 
fhe menace of nuclear holocaust 
Still induces nightmares, but at Los 
it, Alamos, New Mexico, irr το δ 
—efyar weapons were inven are 
;OR,’ stil being perfected, le have 
SE peared te bee with ihe bomb and 
5 ΑΡΈΡΙΣ. 10 prosper from it. 

Founded in an aura of utmost 
secrecy and urgency in 1943, Los 
Alamos was the home or mecca in 
World War U1 of a large proportion 
of the greatest physicists of the 
20th century. Some had been bora 

atheists among them, leftists and 
conservatives, prima donnas and 
team workers. 7 

The Los Alamos pantheon in- 
cluded J. Robert Oppenheimer, the 
charismatic director of the labora~ 
tory; Edward Teller, ia —— 
Hungarian pen ft 
Oppenheimer’s ideological foe and 
won renown as the father of the 
hydrogen bomb; and Enrico Fer- 
mi, the legendary refugee fron 
Mussolini’s: fascism whose man; 
accomplishments included buil 
ing the first nuclear reactor, a1 ihe 
University of — ‘There were 
Robert Wilson, who years later 
founded the Fermi National Acol- 
erator Laboratory; Hans Bethe, the 
great German-born theorist; and 
Joho von Neumann, whose think- 
ing has profoundly influenced as- 
tronomy and other sciences. 

Also affitiated with the laborato- 

Los Alamos: 40 Years of Nuclear Age 

ty were Emest O. Lawrence, inven- 1g. 

tor of the cyclotron; Niels Bohr, the 

giant of quantum mechanics and Sever 

atomic , Richard Feynman, 

prived of creature comforts, and 
had to change their names and con- 
-ceal their identities to prevent word 
of their work from leaking out. In a 

pressure-cooker ai 
complained, argued, worked | 
hours and sometimes ago: 
about the ghastly character of the 

weapon they were forging. But they 

in their belief that the 

United States was racing Nazi Ger- tak develop the alomic bomb. 
Pier the a The Alamos 
departed; many have since died. 

Some, like Dr. Oppenheimer, f 

would probably be horrified to 
(Continued on Page 7, Col. 1) 

Published With The New 

they tacep 


Soweto as an Alfa Romeo burns, 

the country, three more 

U.S. Concedes Russian Arms Offers 
But Says They Maintain Soviet Edge 

By Bernard Gwertzman 
New York Times Service 

ASHINGTON — Reagan ad- 
ministration officials have ac- 

ἐξ Ἐξ 


dience that the way to control 
ulation was “to get men to wait, to 
their sexua] desire under con- 

must control their own body and ἃ 
small but well i 

well: anti-abortion 
nizations in the Safe os fi 
anni in ing 
ΞΕ ac ca at 
ing family size is crucial to econom- 
ic development cm it and sometimes to 

Ft sembly 

Soviet delegate to the talks, who 
said he was still waiting for the 
Anasscas τ offer somthing Ga 
The Reagan administration 
coe ‘ously that the So- 





Be tees 

as what weapons would 
‘be included im each cat 
ilings should be, 

with the official 

for Women conference — to 
counter the 

They are 

af the Roman Cluhobe 

Kenya, and some are staying with 
Because abortion, which is usu- 
{Continned on Page 2, Col. 7) 


M The handing of the marines 

wounded after the [983 bomb 
attack in Beirut has been critici- 
zed, Page 3. 

are at least dangling officially the 
possibility of moves on strategic 
weapons when the Geneva 
resume in the fall. 
Swrategic weapons are one of 
three parts of the talks. The other 
deal with intermediate- 


center, after talks with Prime 

weapons and American re- pi 

Eribune ὦ 

The Washington Post 

Reagan’s Health: — Surgery’s 
Doubt Will Persist 

ς ὥρα Bete. SQ “ναι 


2 Palestiniatis 

50 Dy Neteo 
1S tak, Nagano. - -. 

From West Bank 
Meet With Peres 

By Thomas L. Friedman 
New York Times Service 
JERUSALEM — Prime Minis- 
ter Shimon Peres met Tuesday with 
two West Bank Palestinian leaders 

danian senate, τ al-Masri of 
Nablus, discussed a range of Arab- 
Israeli topics and the economic sit- 
uation on the West Bank. 

Also discussed was the list of 
possible candidates that the Pales- 
line Liberation Organization lead- 
er, Yasser Arafat, has submitted to 
Jordan’s King Hussein and to 
Washington for inclusion in a Pal- 
estinian-Jordanian dialogue with 
the United States. 

Both of the West Bank leaders 

ly affirmed that on the ba- 
sis of their recent discussions in 
Amman they were certain that the 
PLO was now willing to cooperate 
with Jordan and enter into negotia- 
tions for peace. 

Me a ee 
responi {any participa- 
tion in peace talks would only 
oe Israeli participation impossi- 

Describing the talks with the Is- 
raeli prime munister, Mr. Masri said 
on Israeli radio that Mr. Peres 
“wants negotiations and we want 

iations. But there are differ- 
ent views about i” 

Mr. Freij declared that the ses- 
sion dealt τ the economy and 
“prospects of beginning a political 
dialogue that would find an end to 
this tragic situation, that would 
bring peace to all people in the 

‘There was no advance announce- 

ment and word of the session only 

leaked out Wednesday morning. 
Mr. Masri left early in morning 

for Amman, ostensibly to take 

in a meeting of the Jordanian Sen- 

eap- ate, but ibly also to cos y the 
essence Of his i jon with Mi. 
asserted, Peres to Jordanian and Palestinian 

It was not clear why the sub- 

stance of ihe meeting was kept so 
secret, since Mr, Peres has met with 
both Mr. Masri and Mr. Freij be- 
fore, and there is nothing unusual 
about such contacts, ἔτ may have 
been purely to give the meeting an 
air of drama. 

Te fact, judging from discussions 
with senior officials, the 
meeting between Mr. Peres ond the 
West Bank leaders, both of whom 
are political conservatives, wus 
more important for its symbolism 
than anything actually di 
particularly since Mr. Freij and Mr. 
Masri are ποῖ empowered to nego~ 
tiate for anyone. 

By meeung with Mr. Freij and 
Mr. Masri, both noted Palestinian 
“moderates” not directly associal- 
ed with the PLO. Mr. Peres was 
also signaling Washington and 
Amman what kind of Palestinians 
he would like to see across the ne- 
gotiating able. 

Ih appears, however, that neither 
Mr, Masri nor Mr. Freij is on the 
list of Possible Palestinian negoua- 
tors submitted by Mr. Arafat. 

Key Israeli cabinet ministers, ied 
by Mr. Peres and Foreign Minister 
Yitzhak Shamir, held an unsched- 
uled meating Wednesday to discuss 
the latest developments in the Mid- 
dle East peace process. Israe] Ariay 
Radio reported that the cabjnet 
“was presented” with ἃ “tentative 
sangeted ule pata ay Jorden 
su ¢ part in any - 
an-Palestinian negotiating delega- 


Israeli officials said that no polit- 
ica) figures living in the West 
or Gaza Strip were on the list and 
that virtually all of the names men- 
tioned, most of them little-known 
figures, were connected in one way 
or another with the PLO. 

the Palestine Liberation Organiza- 

tion, out the windows and 
slightly injuring Mr. Abdo's father- 
in-law, the police said. 

They said nobody immediately 

The Auconted Press 

Two Palestinian leaders, Mayor Elias M. Freij of Bethlehem, right, and Hikmat al-Masri, 
Minister Shimon Peres. 

Shmuel Goren, left, is the Israeli 

Official responsible for the West Bank. In the background is Mr. Peres’s aide, Uri Savir. 

Risky Job: Journalism in Philippines 

By Steve Lohr 
New York Times Sernce 

ILOILO, Philippines — Sever- 
ino Ascones, the star commentator 
and manager of radio station 
DYFM, is ready to leave the office 
on an aftemmoon reporting foray. 

He stands up, yanks a 45-caliber 
pistol out of his desk drawer, stuifs 
it into his belt and says, “O.K., let's 
go bunting for news.” 

For additional fi , Mr. 

ΞΙΣΕΚ τον 

ἅτε lows. 
threats, he says, are part of the 
daily routine. 

He has rarely slept at home re- 
cently for ἴα of plang his family 
in . He spends ts OD 
ἃ οοἱ πὶ the station's ΡΝ 
offices or at the homes of friends — 

a different place every night Α΄ 

change of clothes is on the book- 
shelf behind his desk. 
Such is the life of a muckraking 

journalist at a provincial radio sta- 
toe in the Philippines, 

“It’s a good life, satisfying and 
exciting,” says Mr. Arcones, 32. 
“But it can be dangerous some- 

Things have become increasingly 
dangerous for Filipino journalists 
in recent months. Eight have been 
Killed pal year, and oa is 
journalists were slain last year, 
compared with four in the previous 
seven years. 

Many of the victims, including 
five since the start of last month, 
δες been radio a in 

© provinces. Among was 
Eduardo Suede, a close friend and 
colleague of Mr. Arcones at 

who was shot at a resiau- 
rant July [, 

The death count this year in the 
Philippines puts it “way ahead of 
other countries,” according to Mir- 
iam Lacob, an administrator for 

the Committee to Protect Journal- 
ists, a noaprofit organization based 
in New York. The group wrate to 
te Ferdinand Eagan last 
month, appealing to him to protect 
journalists in the Philippines and to 
caplure and prosecute their killers, 

At a time of growing opposition 
to the Marcos government and an 
increased willingness by Filipino 
reporters to report on sensitive sub- 
jects, the slayings have brought 
charges that the government is be- 
hind the killings, trying to stifle 
oor the military this 

“For the military, this is the most 
expedient way of getting tid of a 

Although killing jounalisis may 
not be a icy, Mr. 
Nieva said, senior officials are indi- 

{Coatioved on Page 2, Col, 1) 

~ τος ὅν ΑΝ 

Murder of a Child in Rural Hamlet Obsesses France 

Bernstei “The Petit Gré affair has become an The next day, the last in the series of wes ποτὰ other than Grégory’s mother, a oi δὴ ' 
Peete sens obseion" said Pailppe Sun, toe mayor snonymos les arved in the mal tthe Cristie γηϊεπία, US. Allies Asked to Fight Terrorists 
LEPANGES, France — Not many of Epinal, the major urban center of the Villemnin home. It said simply, “Yhave taken — In March, 85 France confronted the notion HONOLULU (WP) — Secretary of Sute my 
Frenchmen had hard of the Vologne River, ἐτερῖοα about 200 mule (320 kilometers) cast ieee ce Se ees that a mother might have killed her own Wesnesday thatthe United States and its alles ms 
asmuall, stream flowing am ι tamninated everything. Grégory? The police emmational terrorists yho offer chem safe haven, and 
Fclds and] woes beneath this rural hamlet. You caa’t go anyplace in France and s4Y ecuiors hive accused one individual and rye rire per ibe Glacier Ἡ 

Lépanges itself —a main road, three cafés, yoo hs part ofthe county without then another of the crime, feeding the sensa- In an address to the East-West Center adap, ἃ two-week trip io 

a cewspaper stand and some orange-tiled being identified with the Grégory affair. _tignalism of the press. Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Mr. Shultz also eriuind N jew Zealand in 

houses — was just another village in what ~The area has become like Beirut,” be — First. ἃ cousin of G Be Ἢ ᾿ his strongest language to date for “walking οἱ τὰς [00 of alliance dutyig δ΄ 

Parisians, often with derision, call “la France said, “in that there are journalists who ἅτε Laroche, was identified by handwriting ex- Villemin, who is six months start ; Peo ee Se ee κα ὕρς ro 
pot wi ip was carry weal Sy 

State Department officials said Mr. ait’s address was a major effort at 
Balchin [πε ke Seep eae Oe eee 
bees. a and defense policy since ‘as ἢ 

eS cael ie bel terrorist network,” Mr. 

me Goce “Weckbent ow tht Eapes οἱ σα nay ot cat 

each ally one by one in the hope that we will be divided and thus 
incapable of coordinated response.” 

Letter Reveals U.S. Plan in Honduras 

profonde,” literally “deep France,” where not more or less stationed here as the author of the anonymous letters, Tuesda: 

much ever gow: Theaffirhasal te cements of great Prwhich there were oor in all A 15-year-old ta poate ‘nto 
But the river and the town areon the pages dramatic serial, of ἃ kind of entertainment, piece of Mr. Laroche, Muriel, came forward Lépanges is tora, its inhabitants say, into 

of every newspaper, as the sites of a drama of ail against the background of a cural region and said she had seen him cany oul the tio Bete thon an eho Mrs. Ville- 

crime, revenge and apparent madness. with ἧς own mystique of remotenes and of crime, Mr. Laroche was indicted and taken. grin’s guilt and those who believe in her 
Nis mond age Β ἃ bend i the Vologes the forest.” to prison. Briefly, the case seemed solved. - innocence. Meanwhile, at the graveyard be- 

ἔδει doweareen oe ἱάνασρι, δὶ a ‘The elements are these: For months before 510 days later a tearful Mariel. appear- hind the simple church, a stream of tonsists 

tional in France. veage” 
, ' against Jean-Marie Vi 2 local analysis that had for cars, ἃς have the ; WASHINGTON (WP) — The U.S. armed forces expect τὰ 

Pepa Dut tenon tresanaee factory spe πὰ Gregory's father, for iocriniantel Mr. Laroche eaiprieerd Say ess eae te office on the 1,200-man task force on duty in Honduras “for the next fabs © 
full-page πὶ accounts, satires and “me procedural grounds. Several weeks later, be mam road below, where the anonymous let- years tes ee ee θογαε 

es, nd of publahed flection by Pee ar after 5 P.M. was freed. ters were and the bend in the 1990, according to an in arte nen 
famous novelists and retired police detec- disappeared from in front of his house. More ises followed. Two new hand- Vologne Grégory was found. A letter from an Air Force civil enginecring ices at Souther 
tives. an hour later, an anonymous caller an- iti lyses, from anonymous samples “I came becanse it interested me,” a visitor beat in Panams to the acca Ax Command εἰ 
Itisa myiy and bile melodrama soune othe oy sani oT hve he taken From all the members of the Villemin at the grave said. “How can you not be Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, contradicts eagan 
that has transformed the members of alarge boy of the chief,” 1 Grtgory’s father, and Laroche clans, indicated that the author interested, after. all the talk in the newspa- assertions that U.S. forces in Honduras, which train Honduran troops 
and unfornmate working-class clan into na- the Fal pemlcse “T have thrown him αἱ the βησαγπιοῦς Ἰξεῖρες, ta ing the one pers and on television? It was impossible to and support military exercises, are maintained only on ἃ year-to-year 
tional figures. into the Velogae” that arrived the day after 's killing, stay away. ᾿ς ΞΡ Dea are re : 

ove fing spine” ad i "ot Realy eet US 
{uran Ἔ 

Penmaes = hilanatehl avg ve dbo cancer spread, is named for France Pledges Eureka 35 Sy rians Arrive for Beirut Duty 
reurvival roe im London who re- A Billion Franes as Start - BEIRUT (UPI) — Thirty-five Syrian officers arrived ἘΝ 

can develop there. Five-year survival rates are for post- Dr. Cuthbert E. Dukes, a pathologist restoration of order in mainly Moslem West Beirut eed 
surgical removal of polyps. Dukes system, commonly ported his classification scheme in 1932. } : fg seeped aes thline wi East Bot Ta yan eos 
Axel K. Sir Geoffrey Howe, Britain's for- ae 8 security to replace Lebanese miliuamen with police 
Cancerous types International Herald Tribune eign secretary, who had previously 
PARIS — ident Fi ἐς expressed for Eureka, told Capua, ρὸν caer units battled with rocket-propelled δ 
Muterand pledged a French gov the meetiog that Eureka projets ἐπδαβᾶεῦ Saat eres τ ia nearby rendenal neghborscess 

: τ, pct tdiky 
franes (about $116 milion) oa ο τὰς eee Ok more, The Voice of Lebanon radio, operated by tbe Christians, sad six 

Bureka, the program he pro- staged Wis wo to increas. : persons were injured by shellfire in the eastern area 
‘or industri- 
"s response to technological alist to identify che specific παῖ. Meese Urges Media Carb on Terrorists 

for a defénse in space against mis- broad sectors,” he said. ; LONDON (AP) — At 
é Ate Sir Geoffrey also emphasized General Edwin Meese 3d 
Opening 2 meeting of high-level that the main role of European gov- Wednesday that the US. Justice 
officials from 17 European ts and insti t was 
tries, Mr. conceded that ly the European Commission, ing news organizations to 
᾿ there were numerous financial and should be to help create “the tary code to control coverage 
Dukes Aistimitedto Dukes Bis confined ᾿ obstacles to Eureka. eavironment for the market, τὴ of terrorist 
removed from Presi- the bowel wall Survival _ to the muscle wall in the ; not Be ae arged ἴα κα isin Ια Lege ri —— ___ Speaking ki at a nows conference 
dent's bowel Friday are _ rate: More than 90 per- " boweland sometimes cancer spread to the port the “2 pan δ oie at nol Say ial tain during the American Bar Associa 
: : : > 5 program IP pro- tion's convention here, Mr. Meese 
usually not cancerous. _cent. _to surrounding fat. This lymph nodes. Survival ΕἾ of Επ- jects, adding: “These is no lack of said such a voluntary code was 
They can, however, be- type of polyp was re- rate: About 40 percent rope,” notably with regard to the financial resources in Europe. Eu- approaches being studied: 
come large enough to moved Saturday from United States and Japan. "8 pri financial insti- after the jacking last month of a. 
require major surgery the President. Survival : , Mr. Mitterrand termed the pro- tutions are strong, but they need to TWA airliner and the ensuing Be 
᾿ ing fi 50 ject a “decisive” step for Europe. ὅο mobilized behind rut fostage crisis. He said he 
: rate: Ranging from More cautious Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the 00t favor legal ts. 
to 80 percent. : ἧς ularly with to tal West German foreign minister, . The the hijacking an 
- = δαρικίοα οἱ projects, were said that Bonn would ‘consider i American crewmen 
ἢ ᾿ Η enaresoe vet They sd they helping Finance projects, but on a πα —— μι ἰαΐκπρα ψαὰ hs 
. 9 ᾷ . ee y case-b basis and only after te captors as a fo- a 
The State of the President’s Health: Uncertainty Will Persist cerapen OO ei pee μὰ ee a ee eae κι 
(Continmed from Page 1) i ici i ἢ Ἵ ion ἢ ᾿ ς . ᾿ 3 
a than 90 per- 
Cancers, by definition, can Ἢ a 
spread from a site where < 
iginate to almost any'other area : Ἢ ᾿ 
in the Bot cach (ype of camer A las, ὸ 
tends to have its favorite targets. e 
Colon cancers tend to most thar he mates bia as Mr. ng the 
developed over recent to de- with the two-foot section of and other members of the team _ mean much, since most of the spe- . ‘errand has suggested,” said a se- 
ee i te ec ene lee tect smaller and primary bowel gat war cat outa the exncer gave considerable x to reo." εἶδο projcts have not yet been οἷος West German diplomat Toesday tacoma formally Saver Ca . 
Places. cancers and metastases. operation. Pegeen bevel wn- clearly defined or decided.” _Asote high- tore mecting isc Sen Anas sing eis Chale ble agai ger ᾧ 
Doctors lack the techniques μι Ssised X-rays wil be part of ΙΓ the pathologists had seen can- dexgo a colo in 1984, France has focused on five seo- pected to be scheduled in the fall, mountain region, a British official in Jeddah said Wednesday. ES 
ssp δ τὰ QUES the procedore, bat there will also be cor cats ἴα the Iymnb glands, i he said the doctors did not tors for development: computers, probably in Bonn, to pursue such reportedly eee oon = 
— pra sariiet Hepa computerized CAT-scan X-ray would have ‘that the cells do so because Mr. Resgen’s robotics, new questions as financing and involv- ~ (Reuters) : 
oe oe a pe tests and scans that might have escaped to begin to was of , not glan- materials and biotechnology. ing industrialists. a ie aceon {or Hoag Kong's new 
πον _— can detect tumors and other abnor- growing elsewhere. But none were dular, type and thus not statistical ---------  - “΄΄'- ...-.-.-.- Sot 26, the government! 
Process stp wat ae us malities in the liver and other or- seen, the doctors said. Wy to cancers elsewhere in council, along with i a 
ite growths sewhere inthe body, "ME. Reagan's blood wil be test. niga’ poten wore Ἐπ σαν ἢ book s pombe Mie ats SOVIEL Off Aoki ledged iy Caled Bags ka nel ρα 
15 cise , - nign polyps were discover: a a to 
A a pegins whieh the escape of ἃ ed secially at about two-month in- 2 pn igmoid colon’ cancer, in Mr. D vie er ow. ledg i iy 
speed with which metastases form ~ = 
can vary among individuals who 
have the same type of cancer, and 
why that is the case is one of the 
[ biological mysteries of cancer. 
‘Thus, if any cancer cells are in 
Mr. Reagan's body today, and 
begin to grow somewhere οὐ 
his colon, their presence will not be 
[ detectable unless they divide and 
multiply times to produce 
eae wths. damage would ᾿ Ἧ - . . F - : are got American members Congress : 
Bot be evident foe insta of years a by ing and the wall of the into cancer. ᾿ ὁ δ be more flexible i the fans, caly joer mamas ot Coos ] = 
| of that process de- in fo ts sone eibacent το is eto bowel, because can result in Νοῖ the prevailing belief is that fe will ed bos wecaatt bots te percent cat across the board in mis- lly the focus of their attacks, is 
pends on the biological characteris- cancer. A second is through the medical catastrophes. These prob- most, if not all, cancersof thecolon position of commenting on infor- sile launchers and warheads, the illegal in most of the 3 
tics of Mr, Reagan's tumor, chatac- lymph system, a collection of tiny lems occur in fewer than 1 percent arise from polyps. inal comments possfly raised by first time the Russians had men- World, their pri target at the Minister 
: some Soviet i Sioned explicit warhead limits. Bat women’s conference ite lens 
ἃ the White House officials said Tuesday that so far onal Parenthood Federa- 
. A ‘ 5 Larry Speakes, th the Soviet side had thon, the largest nongovernmental 
rting for Radio Bombo Is Business. Test Delay ὠ παι SEEN ITS Matec deca” immiypamtg patton ὁ 
(Continued from Page 1) cent killings. But Filipine journal- drum rests beside uve announcer’s Is D s | od of aggregation proposed in these a italy, Japan Discass 50} _ tries. oa. loag-I 
rectly condoning the slayings by its remain skeptical seat in the broadcast booth. enied ETE an ot the Senet Ui 4, italy and. Japan bave insisted — ‘They condenm artificial contra- 
not ensuring that the cases are fully “I don’t there's going to be “When yoa say something like, : eeemary area of acivectuee thatie, at the United States consult its ception as immoral and object 10 
investigated any solution to these cases, ‘And this government official has (Continued from Page 1) E prompt τ capabit tates tnetieg tay Be the federation’s sex- pr0- 
δ de 1 two years, only one biting ἢ agar from the pub, OS farther ιν colow a find. ity, the most worrisome element i Lage’ eee a ae it encourages 
Gf a jourdalist has been _ Even with effort, several Hic.’ that's when you hit the dram,” paint farther up the colon. a find. τὴς corrent strateic equation” ὑπὸ ἴα ᾿ lor childrea to be sexually active. 
Ὡς solve in ae man of the recent ki would proba- Mr. Arcones said. On his show, ing that is not definitive but that ™ i quai Prime ister Yasuhiro Naka- “International Planned Parent- 
SD Ne bly be difficult το solve. Some of “2003 Libre,” which is broadcast many cancer sp Say war _ The United States says that the sone of Japan said Wednesday, hood is bi and racist,” said 
a eber labs for the Sisbrenio, a (hose killed were part-time journal Six times a week, Mr. Arcones says rants an complete ex- Soviet Union's 10-warhead, land- Reuters reported from Rome. James L. ,, al Official of the 
No motive for ἰδία, Β mainstay of low-badget pro- he bangs the drum about 10 times #mination of the colon, either by based missiles have gained in accu- The Strategic Defense Initiative ‘American Li in Washing- 
the etaw he bond Vincial radio stations, and were iso each night. mieans of a basium enema or a acy in recent years and could de- has figured prominently in Mr.Na- ton, “Basically, all their activities 
᾿ ving has been giv 7 lawyers, politicians Among provincial stations, colonoscopy. ὁ ν᾽ stroy American land-based kasone’s eo Με de. vaya iain ction τὰ 
This month, Defense Minister tek They yb era ld by a a a _[nstead of insisting on an imme- The United States would ister rods ok i 2 eee 
Juan Ponce Enrile ordered addi- enemies ‘scquired in their other toned as the leader for quality and diate full colon exam, the presi- like to see the Soviet Union elimi- Ginlio Andeot οἱ ing on calls fos 
ΝΣ Sanaa = walks of life. professionalism. Its investigations ee eee sate about a third of its missite of bots sides saat tion in the Third World, 
inves! make ex- πον Bihan ps document ἃ procednre when it was - Deger “The main reason 
traordiary efforts to solve the re- __The killings coincide with ἃ x i =o convenient. White House i way the are food end 

eral decline im law and order, «ξαναταα toate of events in 4.9 _. that in Africa local problems : 
When ΜΙ. Arcones exposed graft ail i 
economic hardship, Sicoral ina wat own, he tras mot April and May led them to sched- Initial I ests on Recardins ib ico songs and goverament 

ME Visiti ΓΙ corruption, ἃ growl came to the sobbing, and Ul the examination for June, but policies.” 
ting ἃ insurgency and military abuses, SME 19 the Staion, sobbing, ad ἀν, ὡς jacking of Trans Word ἘΠῚ, 8 . ΗΝ The American Life League was ices! 
New York City? [10 “Thae mudes.t_ par ofa ἐ “No way, he was tld ie Aine Hg git 811 posbed it of Fail to Explain Jet Disaster — anoftemepe ta many 
Gramercy mez Cacho-Olivares, a Manila ee a eet ss the cally ro months after it was recommended. The Associates! Press Reuters There was no of- to witihold Sido nee 
newspaper columnist. “But the funeral of theslain ition Jead- cancers of the colon BOMBAY — Aviation Gcial contribution to the United 

Park Hotel 

Tm Bombo radio can afford such forms, doctors know that any delay tests on the 


Distinguished 500 room _{ | its for killers.” moves because of its advertising MCases Air-lodia jetliner had failed to ex- who is working on the analy of of China, which receives 
hotel with excellent DYFM, which has specialized in revenue. It is tuned in by nearly _ Altention has also turned to the plain the June 23 crash that Killed the flight recorder, Inter siid the support from the fund, forced 
Restaurant, Cocktail Lounge, | | covering graft and corruption three-fourths of the market in rela- ραῦν οἱ matical out avslatic io sealing to Wir ΧΙ ΎΣ ΣΙ report was incorrect. Nothing had women to have abortions a8 part of 
Room Service and Piano Bar. | | C385, is known 10 its listeners as tively prosperous Moilo, = ἃ τῷ Πρ oe eee been established, he ekoopt its family plana 
Sto ing Gramercy Park || Radio Bombo. A bombo, in the There have been some reportori- ough modal gers τοὶ noise on ; that the flight recorder “is work- of the - International 
in with newly decorated, ἠ | 0a! dialect, sa big drum A bass al dissppointments, When Kon- at he case have ar- wth ed ecole ay ing”) ae Planned “Parenthood Federation i 
we comfortable rooms, i δι otis faa oa Justice BN. Kirpal, chief of the denied that it advocates abortion as 
ior Si $85.95 which ΤΑΔῚ government inquiry into the ἃ method of family planning. 
re nel take up to two Sabo! A eel τρεῖς dng τεσ [Ἢ To call us racist is absurd,” 
am Doubles $90-100 suspected in the crash, the from the flight bit was Mrs. Wadia said. . 
tat Suites $115-175 worst dlsisie in avaion history. sal ina to say what cansed the’ ‘The federation, which describes. the 
τοὶ Group rates and attractive’ eu bared bens ee Peder aplpe τ συ τὰ ee οἱ sstonamncee 
| calSouhipe oso de Ateneo eso le. fie" Ses heel yee 
= - rien land. Sharma, to the governments and Western finan- 
Ἢ (212)475-4320 [The Press Trust of India, quot- court of inquiry and an official in cial supporters, which maintain 
Aviation, said that control is 

. crucial 
the Tuesday that conversation on the forthe continent's heal 

showed that an tape “came to an abrupt and sud- "i ic development. yeaa 
the den end” moments before the “Women must control their own. 

crash. - Fertility, St ee 

aot Recent πῆς ἴα 

ah resider ἯΙ net 

3 REP Re GS 


By Phill 5M. Boll 
A Pp Me Baty” ᾿ 

‘WASHINGTON =.The-hen rorist 

ἴδιες. ; 
"A a ep of τὰ “Armed 

the tapsfer of seriously wounded 
o Enrope 

Two memorandums written 


New York Times Service 
NEW YORK — Leslie Ὁ. 

block of votes in line on caen 
side of major issues. 

has defended MSY the 

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By Steven V. Roberts 

ὟΝ in the Pen New York Times Sernce 

- ores, ol ποῦν cee ᾿ WASHINGTON — By over- 
“that the | us eee eee whelming margins the Senate has 
ΓΞ Segue Sh cee ie iy Whe Hone 
oer Ramstein eda pvaiidieg, ὑαιὰς wath corse 

vatives over more than two dazen 

wesday as am 

" Edwin G. Corr was endorsed, 89- 

ἘΣ τς edly Ὶ hig 
ering, WI 

tng been named amfasadorio I bs 

"These three are among 29 ap~ 
pointees who Senator Jesse Helms 
and other Senate conservatives 

fasintaia’ are too. Uhets rest 
wer approved earlier by voice 
the linkup in space of Soviet and U.S. and cosmonauts I'AS rice for periting the 25 
aunt that is See ee Don Se oer Oy De, 1975, urged a U.S.-Soviet mission to Mars. be approved, Me 
Supposed to direct and coordinate Helms. a North Republi- 
the actions of all three military ser- ᾿ 
vices in Europe. 
Athougt# mie uy otto U.S, Ἐν Ar French Leade 
By τ τών ἔβαν ΠΌΟΥ ngers ΠΓΘΤΙΟΙ TS 
econ ἀγα τ κε to fly first to i 
Ramstein to unload the most criti- ΄ 
cally il patents, General Heusen Departing Ambassador Made ‘Unacceptable’ Comments 
Ubese instructions and so personal- United Press international of the Ministry ing about France in the United 
ly “took control of the casualty | PARIS—Thesenior US. diplo- for External Relations was sum- States. 
movement” and changed the direo- mat in was sammoned moning the affaires “to Mr. Galbrsith, a former banker, 
tions. : Wednesday to the ion Minis- convey to him table also issued a prediction for next 
. patina A ὑξεὸ λυύς Popo character of Mr. Galbraith’s com- year’s tary elections, say- 
ments by former Ambassador Evan ments.’ , δ mg conservalive opposition 
G. Galbraith, ἢ a There was no immediate com- would unseat the 
tion that Comunnists be excltied ment from the U.S. Emi a gents Looe any acne a τὰς 
from political activity. In the interview, Mr. Galbraith polls; it is clear that the 
ministry said the chargé said Washington's relations with is going to win,” he said. “! =p 
affaires, John Maresca, had been France had improved after Mr. reason 10 belive that the polls are 
terview after publicatc tion of a = ee Berl τοις The ἵν ambassad 
int i ᾿ ith i year, out four former lor, 2 per- 
ταὶ TT sists who had been ministers after sonal friend of President ‘Ronald 
- Mr. Galbraith, who left his post’ his election in 198]. Reagan, was upbraided by French 
last week, frequently annoyed “We never appreciated ihe pres- officials tter- 
French officials officials dariny, bis four- tige that participation in govem- r2nd’s election for denouncing the 
year tour of duty because of candid ment gave” the nists, be president's Commonist partners in 
Comments President Fran- said. “For us they are in a sense government as “agents of a force 
ois Mitterrand’s Socialist adminis- a vertertor_ (0 Erauce; diectes by the 
rs ter Russians. 

Tey igh We il nee a cane τὸ 

A ministry siatement said the He was criticized a year later for 
France's decision to 
; purchase Soviet s He vat απὸ 
Φ summoned to the ign 
Rights Group Accuses U.S. tremnentasea Faners pate 
: giving asylum to political exiles. 

Of Distortions on Nicaragua 



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Rei Ea cack rate te Ae 

Senate Confirms Envoys 
With Assent of Helms 

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Page 3 

can, had demanded that yobs be 

Found for six conservatives current- 

fy in the State Department or 


ca week, Hassan ἐξ πὐδοιακε 
Ι was is rotest, 

Mr. Helms “dies wely pk 

fet =e με response he had 

ten from the State ἵν 

he declined to i 

Two aides to the Republican 
leadership said that Mr. Helms had 
received “certain assurances,” but 

few specific promises, from the ad- 
ministration that “he would be 

gg. consul immoral oa future diplomatic 

A Sate t official said 
that one of Mr. Helms’s favorites, 
pape L. Malone, would robably 

jammed ambassador to Ant 
addition Mr. Helms's intervention 
apparently helped John Gavin, the 
cafrent ambassador to Mexico, re- 
tain his job. 

On Monday, Mr. Helms asserted 
that Mr. Burt, Mrs. Ridgway and 
resented ἃ liberal ele- 

te Deparment that 
“has had an encrmous impact on 
the foreign, 3 policy of America.” 

aa 4 | 
@ilias LALAOUNIS ©) 



Page 4 

THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1985 


Pabliched With The New York Tiases und The Washington Post 

' Better Budget Choices Exist 

‘The struggle to control the federal budget 
riba badly last week, with the agree- 
ered by the White House. It is now 
ΝΣ oh the season to regain momenwm for 
more substantial cuts in the deficit, but ilis too 
earty to stop trying. There are better choices to 
be ade ten Loom thal the acministraion has 
πδικοὺ δα ΜΙ εἰν ουδεπεαείσσο καάσταϑο (δῖ. 
The agreement, as it stands, protects the 
Senate's figure for defense appropriations as 
the administration wished. It also protects the 
cost-of-living increases in Social Security 
benefits, as the House Democrats wanted. It is 
ἃ compromise. in the sense that nobody com- 
promised. But they would have done better to 
go the opposite way — to take the Senate's 
position on Social Security and the House's 
figures for defense appropriations. That would 
mean eliminating inflation adjusuments for 
both, holding thes at their present levels for a 
year. Sacrificing the inflation adjustments 
ought not be done for more than one year. 
Over a longer period, it would impose a flan- 
gerous erosion on two crucial functions of 
government. Bul for a year, as a badly needed 
contribution to restraining a big deficit, it 
would be not only tolerable but good policy. 
It would lift this year's at at ieee 
control above the recent pattero 
complaint and acquiescence, in ee ae the 
cit sinks a little in good years but rises a lot in 
the bad ones. This year, the third year of 

from the last recession, the deficit will 

probably be about $215 nue Tae ose 
billion from last year. For next year, both 
House.and Senate have now passed resolutions 
that, following very different routes, would 
push it down to 5179 billion ar a Ute less. But 
last week's agreement on defense and Social 
Security makes it unlikely that they will actual- 
ly hit that target. There is now 2 hunt under 
way for other vulnerable items. It is possible to 
find them. But it is difficult to cut a long list of 
small items and then make the cuts stick. 

Before ending the hunt and going on holi- 
day, the conferees from the two congressional 
budget committees, and the White House, 
need to give more consideration to the un- 
pleasant but necessary alternative: deletion of 
inflation increases for the two largest and most 
sensitive categories in the bu 

Both defense and the pension system are 
threatened by continuing uncontrolled defi- 
cits, for both require a stcong and stable econ- 
omy. A temporary freeze serves the interests of 
both. And beyond that temporary freeze? Just 
as a compass needle keeps swinging back to 
north, ail the logic of the budget keeps coming 
back to one famitiar point. It is going to take a 
tax increase to pay for the services and protec- 
tions that most Americans — not only con- 
gressmen, but the people who elected them — 
consider basic federal responsibilities. 


Talking With Other Species 

Kanzi, a four-year-old pygmy chirapanzee, 
has put new sparkle into an ebbing venture: 
the age-old desire of humans to communicate 
with other species. Many who claim to have 
established dialogue with animals turn out to 
be victims of self-deception, It is easy for 
researchers to see in animals’ behavior what 
they want to see, Then, too, smayt animals like 
horses and chimpanzees are adept at reading 
the non-verbal cues in human behavior of 
which humans are often unaware. 

The two pi ities can lead to a debacle, 
most notably in the case of Clever Hans, a 
horse who was taught to count early this centu- 
ry by a German schoolteacher, Wilhelm von 
Osten. Everyone was impressed by Hans's ar- 
ichmetical he gave the right aumeri- 
cal answer to problems with taps of his hoof. 
But as a later study showed, the horse was not 
counting at all. He carefully watched for his 
questioner to make a minute, involuntary jerk 
of his head when the right number was 
reached, at which point he stopped tapping. 

It is not that other species do not psc a 
of communicating among themselves. The 
German zoologist Martin Lindauer so under- 
stood the signaling among bees about to 
swarm 10 their next nesting site that he could 
ει τα ΝΙΕΡ de a Arde ear 

communication of bees is confined to the 
things bees are interested in. Human language 

is more than a set of signals or symbols: It is 
also the syntax with which they are structured. 
Recognizing true syntax in communications 
with animals is harder than it might seem. 
certainly lear signs and even 


red, blue and green to get food. Some critics 
have dismissed the whole field as 
an elaborate repetition of the Clever Hans 
phenomenon, with humans unconsciously 
training animals in routines that are then mis- 
taken for communication. The faculty for lan- 
guage may be innate in humans and acquired 
Jong after they evolved from other primates, It 
So, apes cannot Lake even the first step. 

Nonetheless, efforts continue. At the Lan- 
guage Research Center near Atlanta, research- 
ess have noticed ἔπ pygmy chimpanzees 
learn symbols with particular ease. Kanzi, 
their star student, responds accurately fo sym- 
bols used by others, and seems to understand 
human commands, He fetched diapers, hoses, 
spoons; all you have to do is ask. That is far 
from he has \anguage; such 
behavior may not differ from a dog retrieving ἃ 
stick. But it is a pi start. 


Other gona 

Making the Good Times Last 

Ol todtustry analysts are now ikiay ean 
the price of crude by $5 or more, 
say by ὧς carly 19505 hee aac eal 
say, δ — prices again 
Start to rise because oil that has become too 

lysts, who have sometimes been wildly wrong, 
probably have it'right this time. Oil prices are 
heading for a significant fall because that is 
what current market conditions require. Loev- 
itably, though, the time must come when this 
Process is reversed and market forces again 
push prices up. The trick for oil-imy 
postpone that time as long as possible. 

For most of the 1970s the 13 countries that 
make up the Organization of Petroleum Ex- 
porting Countries were able to control the 
market and to fix prices for a simple reason: 
They owned most of the world's known sup- 

porta he gus and eprotice ol a quac 
ties sufficient to erode the cartel’s controL The 
trouble is that if oil prices now start to decline 
steeply the economic incentives to search for 
τον oil or to develop alternative forms of 
will diminish as well As that happens, 
OPE should be able to reassert its u 
tance, and the world is once more likely to tofind 
itself uneasily dependent on OPEC oil 
For now, though, cheaper oil prices loom. 
with or without OPEC's approval. Already 
about 75 percent of OPEC's greatly reduced 
oil output is being sold or bartered at fess than 

1910: AUS. Policing of Ni 

a ad — That the’ πεσε States 
ma compelled to intervene in Nicaragua 
and put an end to the state of anarchy pan 
ing there is regarded by officials of 
Department as highly probable. pecwdings to 
the American interpretation of the Monroe 
Doctrine, the nation — stineaie bares 
and ts internati οἱ ions 
nothing 10 | fear from the United States, but 
“chronic” wrongdoing which results in a less- 
ening of the ties of civilized society may re- 
quire intervention and the United States in the 
interests of the world must exercise an interns- 
tional police power. The Washington Govern- 
meat feels that unless it intervenes there is 
danger of the intervention of a foreign Power 
with all the ensuing complications. 

demonstrated even as prices drop, 
could last longer than experts forecast. 
— Los Angeles Times, 

Live Aid’s Good Vibrations 
‘The weather was bearable, the vibrations 

nce shat cid τοῖς frequently απέρα toi 

‘Such a concert will not happen soon again, but 

it can happen when the sammons is sufficient. 
— The Baltimore Evening Sun. 


1935; Skulls Called Pre-Neanderthal 

prehistoric Nean- 
derthal man were“found [on July ΤΊ at St 
Martin's Church at Bilk, near Disseldorf. 

When excavations were made at this church τὸ 
investigate ancient Franconian tombs three 

more than six feet underground. The sknils, 
which were a little Jess than half an inch thick 

and have receding forcheads and enormously 
πον ow al characterises 
of Neanderthal man. Their construction, how- 
ever, being still flatter, experts think the skulls 
must belong to the Neanderthal man's fore- 
fathers. The skulls were taken to the Prehistor- 
ic Institute at Bonn for further examination. 

JOHN HAY WHITNEY, Charman 1958-1982 


LEE W. HUEBNER. Pubisker 


Executive Editor 

Deputy Editor 

ROBERT K, McCABE Deputy Editor 
Asean Editor 

Herald Trib 

{nternational ung, 18} Avenue Charles-de-Gaulle, 
France. TeL: (1}747-1265. Telex: 612718 (Herald), Cables Ἧι 
Darecieur de la pubheation: Walter N. 
ἅμα Headquariers, 14-34 Hennessy Rd, Hong Kong. Tel $-285618, Telex 61 70. 

Gor τὰς UK: βίοι MacKichan, 63 Long Acre, 

London WC. Tel 836-4802. Telex 262009. 

TSK The, 416721. 

[5 6000 Frunkfet! M. ΤΙ (06537267! . 
ry au id de T0000 F ἃ Nanterre B 732031126. Ce 7 
fe Re i eaninin pan Poritalre Na 6133 
oat International Herald Tribune. γ right cere 

stand City, N.Y. 11101. 


‘Remember years ago when that sign was the other way around » 

United Sympathy for Reagan Is Useful, But Transient 

ASHINGTON — When a By ee Reston and get the Republicans out of con- 

A trol of the Senate in 1986 and out of 
ral instinct of the nation is to close Τῆς chances are that he will let Mr. of recovering completely and 
ceria ot ks ees command 

be Mr. Reagan for 2 while, 
mood: Ὁ of TE ὦ ραν and unity in which may make James Baker won- οἱ his ales ten hee 0 prob add to their recent presidential elec- 
America is to prevail, but not der why he left the chief of stalf job lem, except for that other 50 tion failures, For if the president does 
for the remaining three and a half for tie Treasury. But it is just possi- that maybe he will mot ὀ ποι recover his health and his full 
years of Ronald Reagan's preside ble, though not likely, that Mr, Rea- ΠΕ ΤΈΣΣ ΤΟΣ ΟΝ powers in the next three and a half 
‘No doubt the central fi gan will push the vice president for- toa point, They figure the odds, Carman years, given the 50-50 bet and the 
cabinet and the White House staff ward, looking to the future —for a the name of the game is wining ad accidents of life, he always has the 
will be able to compose their differ- Je of main reasons. holding power. where Mr jush, option of resigning and turning the 
ences over control of the budget, the irst, itis only fair within the spirit though no darling of the Republican presidency over to Mr. Bush. who 
arms race and other terrors. Even of the 25th Amendment that the vice conservatives, may have 8 fticalas would then seek re-clection in 1988 
Coneress may bea tue meccocpe” Breskde Hresidem, as the only other person well as a policy role to play. from the White House. 
ative and less combative for elected by the nation, should repre- ‘The president needs the support of Τϊβ is obviously not the presi- 
But three and a half years is along sent the not only when the the Democrats even to get a limited dent's or the Democrats’ favorite vi- 
time at the present rate of surpidity in president is “incapacitated” bot compromise on the and on sion of the future, but in the 
the world. are deep divisions in when somebody has to run the store arms control, and he is not getting it. for power around here, you would 
the United States and on both do- under presidential direction. They are hell-bent to spend more ised what the political managers 
mestic and f licy. The battle Seodad if the doctors are ight that money on Social Security, Jess money hucksters about. 
for control of le next year My, Reagan has at least a 50-50 ondefense, get him σαὶ of “star The New York Times. 
will be vicious, and these policy and 
political battles are bound to come to, 
the fore under the most difficult cir- 

State of Mind May Help Cancer ae 

By Norman Cousins 

OS ANGELES — Does the attitude of a patient make ee oe “Mind and Immunity,” and 
any difference in the treatment of cancer? research projects. The second, 
cc fledical reseraners the Cniversiy of FPeamsyivania vioral Treatments for Disorders 
ἃ questionnaire survey of 359 patients Ve contains accounts of 916 

sattedng five “advasoed taker ." The patients " and 
vere questioned about their notions, atimades and life 
styles. The death rate of the patients was 75 peroeat, The 
conclysion of the researchers was that emotional or “psy- projects are 
hcwocial” factoes di aot afte the course of the disease. ἢ 

he can probab! feree 
Editors thoes oe tel eal ae 
Oval Office. 

immune system 

persion pe ται τα μοὶ ea 
plang nulaige ors eb pk 

ae ea Tae a en cee and be 

vic oat man gre apo a 

reviews of oa the boman Univers 
: eee Both books 7 phe “A 
are edited by Steven E. Locke Nady Hornig Roane “The Healing fe Heart" (1983), p 

an Ilfness” (1980) and 
shed by W.W. Norton. 

icans, it seems, are learning 
to love the nsclenr boul — ep 


3 SOON? 

big hit i 
the player uses anifbalistc taissiles 
to defend cities attack (it al 

pd par tom 

Over”), has been succeeded 
Ore as bed ἐν 
such as Ground Zero. 

one this year. Last το ὦ 
flocked to see 

tion of the human race in a nuclear 

war —a remarkable for the mote ate is trend 
ΜῊΝ Since rc npr al ae oe ον, =" 
Since nuclear conflict guns tat πετῶ κῃ holocaust won't be fun 

Hable, tue best we enn do is armand 
train to 

Won't Slow: 

By Hobart Rowen 

vet most br aah "ee 
” poor advice and ana}. 
We: OPEC Was in control, they 
an oad exact ae toll it 
‘rom 3 petro 
Sociey. Prices. which had tone in 
pennies a barrel before 1973, rose to. 
§34 a barrel in 1979-8). The common 
mao wa ta 58 103 bard 
was not out of reach. 

tatters. itseffort opel ane 
a failure. The consuming world 
Jearned a lesson Srom OPEC's repeat.” 
ed ofl “shocks,” wisely resorting w 

conservation and substitution. And. 

OPEC’ extortionate prices 5, 
ed new explorations of oil 
Today. ee ot | market is dominated 
by ἃ glut an ig prices, despite 
the fact that OPEC producers have 
drastically cut production, and - 
inability of warring Tran and | 
pump and market all they would 
Philip K. Verleger Jr. of Charles’ 
River Associates said in recent testi- | 
mony before a House Energy sub 
committee unat the real question is 
whether the slide in prices can be 
st al $20 a Ὁ: or even $10, 
Oil, on igeen is now a commodity like 
any Οἱ 1 prices can 
oscitlate from rege Os below 510 to 
levels over $40 a bartel, and that 
there is very fittle that any 
ment or cartel can do to stabilize it, 
Meanwhile, many businesses and 
bn at bien tn ΞΖ 
got from experts aver the past ἢ 
years —a one-way, upward oi 
— have already failed. And 
who continue to have a vested intter- 

het αὐ cheaper oil will substitute 
for other energy sources, and soon 

GPEC wil be back in ie sade 

But Mr. Verleger ro aah that that 

the world has travel 
from the time that the Sore Stes 
the ail companies combined 
PEC in a series of preferential 
phim to control prices and sup- 
ply. And some of the new industrial 
conservation practices and substitu- 
dons are probably rete 

Tel Aviv Universit and Queens Col- 
lege fone οἵ iat τὰν bry have Dea 
consisten| 1 On out 

way to realities — the con- 
centration of oil reserves in OPEC 
and in the Middle East. And that will 

hind us.” Mr. Yi i 
who did not foresee the oil onto 
the decline in 

been on oi. 
‘hey tell us thar the risk tat lowes οἵ 
prices would weaken the resolve for 
conservation and substitution can be 


cf 7 


Mt Slog, 3 More Dieit in South Africa, Soweto Unrest Is Called ‘Serious’ | ΝΙΝ | "““ \ 

Cinplid by Ove Si Fine Dlprches men had. beew killed when police: The outbreaks in Soweto, on the A goversiment, spokesman said Protest proposed rent increases, matic dispute with the Netherlands 
Plora ‘ SOWETO, South Africa .—- men fired into crowdé. ὡς outskirts of Johannesburg, were the teas of thousands of blacks. were Some young People entered the over 2 Duh ven who ads τὰ 
Hoy Three people ded htinun-~ In Soweto, Jan Coetzee, a police worst in the recent weeks of unrest boycotting classes, leaving schools court and sang freedom songs. i 
: 2 aS Wek ἘῸΝ brigadier, said the violence there in black townships. : virtually deserted in 26 communi Witnesses, who asked that their bassy, Reuters | Fay ie Ἢ ἢ eee 
Hobart ἃ, violence flared Wedaesday in had been intense but added thatthe ςς τρις was the center οἵ ties. Edger Posselt, an education names not he used, said policemen ΩΝ 
HINGTos Rowen sab δε σσιαενγε ἀπε θα; ‘police had: brought it under oOn- yorest in 975 ΑΙ wenton neartya, iit, sid 46 schools were closed fired tear gas to clear the coun dealin, be ᾿νδδ ht ttt ἢ δι 
5S OTON og rotetmon called” Police «τοὶ. in one incident, the patice off" ear and took at least 600 ἢ ¥@ in Duduza, Kwathema and Tsaz- room. Outside, mounted police 
der oi or May, epokesa led serious _sael;said, ‘a small bus carrying 15 year Ves. kane, east of Johannes! charged into the crowd with whips, 
2C yg Advice “a. "Germans and ‘Americans was The three deaths erraigh Residents of Soweto said nearly Ὁ δύθλριοις προσ ἴα! juries and 
id $25 iF Contra) ed th e police headquarters ia Pre - Stoned by about-100 girls and boys raised to 12 the total of blacks all the schools were closed there. arrests, but said they did not know 
ἸΦ shact whaey toria, xeporting disturbances ‘wearing school uniforms. Killed in political violence in five Nearly 1,000 youths gathered how many. : 
around the nation, said. days. More than 450 have died in outside a court in Soweto, where © There were incidents of stone- Jonge, and said further public 

the body of “Three windows were damaged 
foond but, δὲ ὶ ᾿ ehcp i gp EG Meant εἰαενῖκες δἰ ϑονπειό, Ἀπο. τα Pac Sone ee Ὁ. τοῖν: 

meting over the weekend to deered at least eight buses to take Te Netherlands said Tuesday 
* them to the court. ς that it would recall Ambassador 
201 Hugo Carsten for consuliztions un- 
less Mr. de Jonge were retumed, 
Foreign Minister Pik Botha has 
said the investigation involving Mr. 
de Jonge included alleged arms 
caches for the exiled African Na- 
tional ermilla 

Froteey ἃ δ. sth, 
δι DPE ei 
1S reson to an unprecedented 

Don’t leave home without it crisis caused solely by substantalloverproducton of our very latest 
newly released 1985/86-{ashion‘range of scintillating high quality 
designer furs we reluctantly have no alternative but to liquidate 

Before immediately the surpfus quanttres of these exquisitely beautiful 
ign, but po. . Secs pn maristcarars carries wrativer aso. ool paca 
᾿ τ 9! " er 4 
ice would pick up, Suspected Lincoln Center This 1s your one and only chance ina Tetimatc obtain agenuine first 
ἘΝ αὐ a he nnn" wi or after czar! Thce we herely huarese te etooee vom (rela Dat 
ri fe are literal im (incl Mt 
4 τα τον top of the jane ‘designer turs!) in all styles and epoch alt 
oo ibe street said ἃ Broadway: fully guaranteed by US. «OK AT THESE EXAMPLES: 
police major general, Anatoli Zhor- ἢ 
ata te weekly’ Litratmrnaya The 
gece yrenicamanclld Four Seasons eae es 
$35 Dinner. so” e189 FR BOA eee 
RAP £40 ON 
from 5:00 to 6:30 pm paca ast OVER £106 FUL Lene 
and 10:00 to 11:30 pm eS τας is Χ Manx COM erm 
‘ Rewer vents ἃ g 
"APAPAL, AUDIENCE — Prine Mister Yering Nalasoa of Japan an μὲ wi fe, i δι ε ὦ ἘΣ ace WS το, 
Tsutako, talked Thursday with Pope John Pani II an audience at the Vatican. - | street to check their sobriety. ACCESS MGA AMEX CXMERS CARDA a PERBOMAL CHEOUEEACELPTE 
‘Mr. Nakasone has also been meeting with officials of the Italian goverment in Rome. THE FOUR SEASONS For further information on this mie phone 0-300 41, δὰ 

99 East 52nd Street. New York, NY 

dust for the sake of i aioe 
wife meeting her husband near. 
food-store drinks x department 
General Zhotich said. 

The extent of ae action 

οἷν, σία ἃ As many as two million Cambodi- “legal ταδηυίδοωτε of Be} | 
ΠΞ & ander the regime's rule. om 

a 2 Sees ise ioe Score oe 
sitieaecee| ἢ TEQUIFe eae acceptance from 
my Card. And [ get it. 

Bang- i 
: ὙΠΟ diplomatic shifts began kok. off freely.” General Zhorich 
a τα ibe Khmer Rouge : Their speaking out 50k on Sid "The police are ing to do 
fheipuey soeld capt τὴν east ar Prem sail fender retains hope. 
‘Cambodian government, once Me an. : =< 
Vietnamese iroops withdrew, 

It ssid the Khmer Rouge would’ 7 Commputer Owners, All Under 18, 
hare president of Canbodis The Charged With Fraud in New Jersey 
the . wor ἵ in aE aetna centre wae 

τα het He tid he would ack Lut 

they be sent to a juvenile shelter if 

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OK to Scratch your Nose, 
but just be Careful 

by Miriam Kramer Trade News Editor, The Antique Collector 

or dance it is New York, for shopping Hong 

Kong, and for antiques and auctions it is 

undoubtedly London. The two largest in- 
ternational auctioneers, Christie’s and Sotheby’s, 
founded in the 18th century, still maintain their 
global headquarters here. With the support of 
smaller firms such as Bonhams and Phillips, and 
the specialists Spink & Son and Bloomsbury 
Book Auctions, London remains the undisputed 
world’s saleroom capital. 

Little did the founders of 
the big cwo salerooms realise 
they were starting multi- 
million pound (and dollar) 
organisations with offices and 
auction roams througheut 
Britain and the world. James 

i Thomas 

ialised in 
paintings while his rival on 

the other side of London, 
John. Sotheby, was primarily 
interested in books. This 
gentlemanly state of afin 
continued until the second 
half of this century when Pe- 
ter Wilson at Sotheby's began. 
to expand the firm on an 
international scale. Christie’s 
followed, and we now have 

You're just a 

(Sotheby’s), and £373 million 

Sotheby's in London still 
organises three major sessions 
of Impressionist, Modern and 
Contemporary sales each 
year, in Spring, at the end of 
June, and in early December. 
Property is accepted up to two 
months before the sale. 

The auction year tradition- 
ally follows a set cycle, with 
peaks in July and December. 
‘The London salerooms sched- 
wle their blockbusters for 
these times, to attract most 


On 19 July Christie’s will 
hold a sale of English pictures 
including a portrait of Joseph 
Wright of Derby and a pre- 
viously unknown sketch by 
John Constable. 

At Sorbeby’s meanwhile, 
the week commencing 15 July 
will see English art, antiqui- 
ties and coins being sold, fol- 

Flying Carpets 
have Landed 

by Moss Murray 

All auctions are open to the 
public free of charge. It is 
often said that the best enter- 

go to one of the salerooms and 
just watch. It is untrue that a 
scratch of the nose means a 
commitment to a bid of thou- 
sands of pounds — a quite defi- 
nite movement has to be made 
before the auctioneer recog- 
nises a serious bid. 

A Tonic for Gin. 

There is mystery, myth and legend surrounding gin. 

What is known for certain is that this year is the 
500th anniversary of the Yeomen of the Guard — the 
beefeater, after whom James Burrough named his Gin 
when he began distilling and bottling rhe beverage in 

One other fact can also be confirmed, according to 
Don Gregory, the Company’s export director: 
“Beefeater has dominated the imported gin market in 
America since our new distribution agreement with 
the Kobrand Corporation of New York in 1946.” 

are ποῖ The finest carpets made 

during the last 500 years have 
come from Persia. For cen- 
turies the world bas looked to 
this cur πές. for the finest 
rugs, Carpets and prayer mats. 
Since the first world war, as 

during the past decade, helped 
establish London as a world 
carpet centre. 

‘Today buyers from stores in 

_ couple of 
blocks away from 
a small part 
of Sweden. 

Based in Maytair W. 1. 
Volvo Export have a direct 
computer hnk to Sweden and are able 
to sell you a fabulous Volvo at 


> factory a 
We even include FREE shipment to the 
States plus the customs hassle dealt with 
and a factory warranty that is truly 
intematonal. Call and check out 
ow prices, we could save you 
1000's of dollars! 

ada eee sas goneanmeaninnamsipistiinsiiateh 
Study of'a Bird signed by Mu'in Masavvir, Isfahan. 
Sha'ban, AH 1082/February, AD1671 

This Persian miniature, only 20.2 x 11.2cm, 
was bought for £10 in a country market. 

lowed the next week by Eng- 

Mavfair’s High Street 

by Anne Price 

ondoners love Bond Street © now and continues unti 
because it is the perfect mix of old duy 25. 
land new. They go together like 

bacon and egg in this three centuries old 

home of fashion, the avant garde living 

im ancient buildings, and ποδοάν. is 

outraged. : 

cluster together. But one of 
the finest of all salons is Van 
Cleef & Arpels at No 153 
New Bond Street where 
they count among their 


Close to the 
American Embassy 
112 Mount Street 
London W1Y SHE 

Fine early furniture 

their Paris shop as oe of a 

unique exhibition of finest 

jewellery and boutique items 

to coincide with the arrival in 

European and Oriental London of those attending i 
works of art the American . Bar _ light blue giazed porcelain, 

Ἶ Street ννΊ. 
Tel. 01-499 2858 Association Conference. It including a child saying her Tek London gudon (11489 4218 



Our expert advice is at your service. 

01-493 1396 24 Burlington Arcade, 

29 Old Bond Street. 
London WI. 

Christie’s cataloguer identified it as the work 
of one of the most talented Persian miniature 

painters and to the delight of the vendor it 
~ was sold for £8,640 on 4th July. 

Christie’s understand things... 

8 King Street, St. James’s, London swiv ear. 
Tel: (01}.839 9060 


Théficasurc of fine seit 
-------αΟς-ς----- ee 
In addition to Medical Express’ fully equipped minor aceident and The pride of Royal Cope ah agen. 
casualty clinie, the following services are available by appointment: 
Orthopaedicss Gynaecology « Dermatology «Ear, Nose 
ἃ Throate Physiotherapy and Chiropody. 

Medical Exprrssia stoffedt bycontultont anrgeonsond phyacians ff Ἴ. Ἃ 
cond u reeagnined by mba! mayor redicalingurance companies. f/ Tewncra tors 
ἢ Royal Copenhagen Porcelain & Georg, eck Silver, | 
ἢ ἼΒΝεν Bond Sereet, London ἉΨΙῪ 9ΡΕ 

1, NO WAIT, Telephone: 01-499 65.41. 



EC2. Their warehouse re- 
sembles an Aladdin's cave 
with a vast range of 
hand-knotted. carpets -- all at 

modern brothers and sisters, 
come in every shape and size 
from tiny prayer rugs to enor- 
mous emperor size carpets. 
The warehouse is open from 
9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day 
of the week except Sarurday, 
and on Sunday from 9.30 2.m. 

is Majid Amini who was born 
ascharieeseM aid 

ies in Horsham and Petworth 
in Sussex. He says: 

“Cleanliness is the most 
important factor in the tong: 
term preservation of any rug.”. 

He also warns against in-. 
experienced buyers swinaming ᾿ 
in the deep waters of ‘the 
auction rooms where only the: 
experts know how to avoid the 
currents and eddies of rings 
and rigging. Buyers, he says, 
also need to beware of buying 
at “hotel auctions” unless they 
have inspected what is being 
offered beforehand. 

Only men like Nathan Aziz- 
ollahoff, Josephy Belour and 
Majid Amini, who have spent 
their lives dealing with the 
best Persian and other oriental 
carpets, can offer the expert 
guidance and advice such an 
investment deserves. They are 
not fly by night dealers. They 
have landed in the West and 
intend to stay here. 


Henry Moore, O.M., C.H., The Family, bronze, height 12.7cm., 1944. 

Henry Moore's The Family was onc ofa rich selec τωι of important 

works of art offered at Sotheby's major sale of Impressiunist and 
Modern Paintings and Scdipture on 25th June. 

The next series of sales of Impressionist, Modern and 
Contemporary Art will take place from 3rd w 5th December 
1985. Property can be accepted until 30th September, 

Enquiries: Michel Strauss or Julian Barran. 

Sotheby's, 34-35 New Bond Street, London W1A 2AA . 
Telephone: (01) 493 8080 Ext. 355/6 Telex: 24454 SPBLON G 

Choosing an Oriental rug — ‘comparing styles ai 

techniques — is a rewarding 
But the punches of an item of such beauty is a truly. 


experiénce in itself. 

At Duval we have literally thousands of hand- 

- knotted Oriental carpets. Our location — well away 

from the West End; and our experience — over 50 
years, enable us to price our rugs well below market” 
prices. We have rugs from as title as £40 and we" 

value and buy old carpets. 


. 1838 yskltell -cAREEdatak 
: aye ξ8}8 ἐ8 33:25 ΤΗΣ ἘΠῚ ΗΝ 
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shaeasgeraca S438 STS29S23 ἘΦῚΞ 23 5» 1 4 2 ῇ τ 3 πε πε | ΞΣΦΕΞΟΒΕΣ 5 S42 5 Ξ ΣΈΞΕΣΣΣ 3555 ΖΞ :Ξ RESSLEIE 58 35:3548: 5585 85 ὅ:5ε: 2535 SSEPIIRIS F FE FI TE bt J fi ASLFESS 2 TISFLSR 3S Εἴ τέξει απ, EFT S 
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TincenfiaSGhERah kien un taghanReAeteRRncheakaanshhe τ δε ἀξ εξ GeheA EG TRAE~ELERREGRGEREEES SC FUSE ἔστε: οὐ, At κε πα ερήξαπα ξεν ἢ. ETS ARSE ὁ επσηα, ἐς πε ΕΟ ΣΙ ΑΣΣ ἢ 


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"Ἐφ pte de [latte pees ft ras [Leet eeee tit τὸ Lele {{Π11}}ὀ #0 etd 

# sEhfignalllt def deS Ahi anstehEndnn®t hel REE RR AZE SPARS EAR KERSESEOUERE, c48h caneet 

i: ΕΝ ΠΆΤΑ syeonprh rain SAREEEEE PEELS SEE «ἐξ ἔξ a 

# ahh Said file δε ἀ πε, 4, «εὐ ρἐε άει Sank παρ GRASS EERGRREEAREALS βεξἐεξξξηβ, Ξοξευὀεεα ες δῆ εξ AEE niet EEE 5 RERERERSCSRG NREL liken didnt SERESECIE RS δε ἐξα SE ἔπαθα S02 κακῇ CSRS τ satis tier teary ES APES ECE OEE RARE EREEC ARSE RRC ORAA ERR PUR EREEE δε κες, ἐξ ῇ 
iii 8 By Sngrovanegenspaeag ag BAS μας F=BE ONZE” PRURAMES ENG G™RESGEOUR'A”aREOEEGUGE™g"GATE ἘΞ τὰ ἀρ τ ΥΩ ΣΤ ΤΗΣ 

26 = 


aaganana 94a 5. 85 = Εν παστὰς τας ΘΕ eS snag Ξ S59 AD9R2R9 ta ΕΒ 5 aamad 8. ἃ SUARAANATS aags 5 ἡδηρθητος B τῇ gugemaanes ἃ 
᾿ξ ane aR ἃ 9 88 8 ἮΝ ΚΕΝ di aang 5 ἢ ὅ853 parents Pia sha SR RASRNS AG νι a saasds τδῆαϑῆς Hee μού τώρ ΤΩ͂Ν GURY NUasaangeneRinaenaggages τῆν ἃ aga ὅτηδῃ gadg 585 nfs Ἐῇ 2 ἢ 858 eguy andy seq ane 2 ἥδηης 3 a ἕ orn tke : πηϑηβη βῆ 8 ἢ aN  ΑδαΞὅπεα ξηὲ eguagelg 5 
ct i titi let ΤΊ ΤΡ 
egate 2RSZGAREARE εξ ξ, ἐξ. ES 5. ἐ8. [πὲ Aline a2E08, get, tezeeeeeze, ee ere  Σ BEES ἘΞ ΞΕ ΘΝ, ρος ΕΣ ΤΣ τὸ ἌΣ Ξ 


SAPSRIRAPSFALSPISZRR fF OST SIMELAF FARARNS ταν ΑἸ  Σ ἢ ἈΞ 5 LESS ΞΕ 5 Η 555 5: ἘΣ ξεν 222 SRRBSISFELEBLSFSISS ΦΕΞΣΕ ieersiae $2 S353 ἂς ΕΝ ΕΥΥ ΤΥ ἘΥΥΕΡῚ et ᾿ S 4555 23: 58, ARSRALESSILS ΠΟΙ τ 3532: stare 2 ἃ 3a 33 3} 

Ξ' = Poet = SF 5 R LESPFASBA HSS 22 
tabard Coe e eed Peed Oo eee τε Freie Pret tietiee is +L [Ft seid e Tit, FeTee {Π{Ὲ1Ὶ [8] Pelt TUES t let [eeeee Lpeeee ree {ὁ Fault 15 +F7tF FE epee | pate 4Feee F Fe ΣῈ} }]Ὲ} ἘΞ} }} ἘΠ ΠΕ Ὲ [447 7 

nniil®nGh-ESES2 AEE Efe EEtoETC ERS AS ERREF BEGALEESESERAROSE ERE ECE°4E EB22 AEGIS ξεξῆς δ, δε ἐξῇ, RAGESE fe nfRENEERSESEE ἐδ, ndAEUHEOEG- 22. €EEC2ED*EEEEERE βῆ, αἰ νεάξειξ,ἔῇ, ξέξακᾷῇ κῷ. οὐδοῦ, ἐ δέκ REEAALAE EE oc ξξεε 2 dy OR ΤΕ ΝΕ ΤΠ ΜΉΤ ΤΑ ΤΥ "ERE 
snd BEa tiles En SESE nahin 24 anh nn GEER REEEDE PRhncAE hg EREEEELCS naa Sein RPSEABEES ASEFCSIESESES ADEE ARSE PALA EEE AECEEE* Reba επἭκηςς ετυβεεξείξεε, AAS tn ll candBGPERRIASREE EE faba ffl κα Εξε. AEE Snes *EERAESE βεκιβνξίξκέμ,ἘεἭβε ξ, δῇ ETNGSTE-£. 40UEE- dfs" co 
ΓΈΒΕΕΒΗΒ Ἐξ εραρββοσμ δ: σεεαοερξῃ ἐὰν οτν νον μι να ων Ὁ δ ὠὰ, «ἀπορῶν PE πμν μδᾶν ρ μν —e a ἐκ} ΠῚ ΠῚ δ Νὰ, 

‘SH ὶ 22% Peertees 

BPN Β 2 πήρην ong κῆθσς κ΄ Re ΘΒ enngeg σα 5.5 Sanne op ure 2 FS LSS B esmeeRsey “ΔῈ nese δὶ τε ΑΞΑ͂ΞΩΞ Ξφ ΕΞ πὸ fo oatRRE“22 5. 55 fics" ces2ne πὶ ΒΡΩ͂ Ως ge 2 ReSNINE 2 N° AR°saNes 8 = SPSS 3 5 ΒΡ ΠΕ. 


ἢ 58 i a gedggagqangqnndiha κπηοηξῆδοδῆς εξηρεῆπηδησετα afag βρῆκες ἈΠΆΒΕΒ ΒΕ ΑΒ λῆθθβδϑιδηϑθμαη again ogeteg es ESERIES ag 5. seh ata Sone RAHAEADSS SNAGGRTAANAARRAGES omy aahar af ἀξδεηηβῆηεηηςηη5 Piles aaiic satteneaaens SSN 85 gd Faggega 9 9 ἃ αὶ gy ἢ 
TEL aa 

RUA DERI STE pneu iii Gnade Gee TAT ΝΣ AMET hans ἽΝ Πτ ΤΡΝ ΤΕ ΠΝ 
ΤΕ ΤΡ πε νυ MMetiy πως ΠΡ Ὁ Ee eee ai) sig 

ΣΟ ΣΕΜΕΙ ΕΕ ΕΝ ΤΊΝΑ ἈΠ ΠΝ ok SiS BE EMG HSE υοΉγαε υἀε εν κε lees tLe Rea eatte 

FFF 2 SIF RSI ES i 2 S82FeS9 283 5. SEP SBIZRE 3S ἘΣ 32 SSF SASPISFLAS FE RAIKALT κα ΠΗ͂Σ SBPagTER FRILESIA $2 3 S888F ἘΦΖ:ΞΞ ποῖ ξεε “a8 ligase seeese. 
4 3 5: κ᾽ ὁ SIFSELERSPAOsge2 295 2352 3328 3 .ISSSE Ἐ5324Ξ Ὁ AEPIFALSLI T3874 ΞΉΣΕΕΕ 53: Ἢ gases WISLSIF 575 tea fF sass τ FRIES * ue 2S ΣΦ ἘΦ 
tHE τε ξε [teas ΤῈ PPLE Letts ea ἘΠῚ} τ ΜΞ τ +1 ἩΠΉΣΗΣ ἘΠ᾿ ELSE dee | Feit FUP 5 ἘΡ ete Ete τ ΦΎΣΕΣΙ +UULUFF Ft T+41 11 τ «ἴς Lis lets [ete ΕἸ τε εὶς bt ere 11 ὁ THD {{{{ῈΞ eet [te leee ἘΠῚ eT HFT FE [+ f4+4 (147 τὸ [τὸ Fe {{{1| tt [tt | et tt Lele :Ὲ τ 

ἘΠ ἈΠΕ ΤῊ ΠῊΡ »ξξεί ες ὑβεξηβέξ εξεὐεϑεἠβδς ρα εξ  ἐξἐδ ἔς εξ Ξββαββηβερ»ξἐξβεξε. ἐξξηοξξἐρξβεἀεξο δε. REINS RENE AASEs ΤΕ ΕΠΕ  ΓΕΡ Ἢ Sahn td 02 ABESGERE-EE.-£. SAARERERIEREES ,oRSAROEEEL 28% 8 46-2802 ΤΩΝ; ΤΡ ΤΊ 

ἐξ. GE δι δἀξ ϑβρ πα ΕΠ SARERSAAESEGSE Eo CEGMEELE ββποκεῦξ wadittGHBEad, pall ἐπε SEs fats binka SEES EE SRe ae ἐοξξκρξ,εξξε,ξϊξἭκξμτόρέξί nthRP ARE TRRRarS SERRE Ean Gnbihs SERnEREEACERS? Ε REESE aE- EC Enaka Taal! SAO pdcale ERERES SE Sf OER ESE REEL ΑΗ ELIE O62 Ed 

“ANSE? YSN ΥΩ ΤΡ i) Sil id eel oli πε ν᾽ gndaor-panggyoneasasag"hagrege με ἀβαδησκεκημευεββρυπεῦ cs gehog "Sac agUteRRANARNATERsEERy spy 

pen Sas SERR™ FO geegnMers δ Agenasc> ge - Ὁ. BM ΞΘ Re 5 cesfa sagen Ru OBESE FE ΞΡΡΑ͂Ξ sae SPR NemmARA 9. ὁ ! BRRCG PMESASEARN θοῷ ORES OMY 7 fo MY PR ARS ow ren ἢ AMES "5 Nenxe smnsQ πν ERE? Ne 5 BS HAGE Oe wescper πε snnzes = Ae AMER 
ἯΙ Ape S85 398 S85 magramicigangaas adeeentgeetenneaqaansaazny q2agen τ εβηφηδεηκηηκᾶπξ he Bag BAS AARRKEAAAE da ἡ angrgsandntadany sh 0} udigdasyaae πϑαααῆηηπεε, Ras adfnsadi § κπηχηβοηη gay adage Raag 5. 5 ββδπηβπηηβε a4 τεπηρῆφεηπαστης 5 κα ἔα aalanaggeasas ey 858 i na "ἢ 

PS Ante eet eee caer fl ewes GTi ΠῚ ATC mal cere Mer a et Hl In ἘΠῚ 

᾿νε ταν ἄνω, Ἐν, τ εν ΤῊ os βῆ SRREE RaSh Ease anknhend 55. ἀέ Ξε FEERES, RUE δὲ 8 eee. Mette dlc bled ebodeteageacltetttdetinde Aetttee degoEete CHL TE EE ΤῊ ΞΕΞΗ͂ΡΕΣ afta AEE 


ene ee RaRNS 

# 322 a καὶ 33 282525 #2 © $2 22 ἘΞ“: ἈΞ ΞΕ ΕΞ br 4 eaagse HHI SSE SHFFITSIIITLRALAL CPLLIRSI #334835 538 Ξ5: 35582 S¥SeSS #2 38 328 F322: 
1 tit of ἢ 1} Lites ernie it Iie bal [+1471 Luss el+ seeTte let {1} 1 1+] Liteeetl 141 ye] it! Jet4] εἰ [+ [44% ΜΠ “τ ped Ds feted] ΤΙ it + terest Vitis ΤΙ ΤΗΣ ΜΉΝ ἘΤΣΙΙΣ tie ; z ΤΣ Fit i ΣΤ ΣΤΡΤΙ ΤΕ foiet tf rereraeenrin Te ΤΠ ey ett πὸ : i ἘΠ These ΤῊ 
αἴξ εδε, gBEERRE GRRROR- GRE ESSE oa ER RAE ST ἐπέψεν δε δ ἀπ εξοξ ἐδέξεξέ, CEE δ, REG TRE eRe AS ἐεσεξετές, αὶ ἐπεξες SRRIGET ΠΕΡ ΕΓ ΤΠ ΤΠ ΠΡ ΠΕ πο ΤΕ ARTS AAG RERER SCORER? UEECER, SESEUE CERESE SETS SRAM ΤΎΜΤ Sane ¢ teens castes Bes ΡΤ 

πο ΡΟΣ ΠΡ ΠΕ ΤΑΝ, ἈΠ ἈᾺῚ ΤΆΤ od 2EPSEECAEEEE. 46,6 nf88A% ECE fEGEE4ORI eof Ud naSb ἔτι: oat dAEtadna SEBS CEALERILES eatin dt OE et ΤῊΣ 

SR” RRESSEQRS*3RA°R“ABERE” BRARWN” AREMRAGERT*GM**S REL E2TRAARNESERERSDR AAEM δΕ  Ἐθαυτῃπβδμ ΠΣ 38 ἀρ EVUDEPEFRERGE ACER ἈΠΕ ΒΒΕ ἜΡ “απο εβπ γα μπὰ ππρεροργητε Βεαφοτϑεπονβνρ95 ππαρβᾶς ἐς φγν ΝῊ ΚΑΤ ΣΝ ΥΩ poesia 

ae" oR= σ Rex Se°xx e gees eh S529 2 CS ABESR 2 oP 5ΗΞΒΣ Spe eonx es ὦ 22 τ be 2-22 sa x 22 Lee aa SEROLNBCONE Nene geven ar RR 2 ΞΙ Sa*serrene: Sz ENN; - gner= Yoree 6 gam τὺ ϑοσο 5:3 Ny nos non re ΠῚ 
389 waaITA IE aaa SARABA IAVSA SIMI ATANTS TAN ATRABNATY ἢ gaa 5 3 τα aan pasts nasa samae-asa 5 ἢ saasaaggangssss τς waging ἢ 22558 Ὁ τ svagnanaangassa‘Iatang saat Sanaa JaBIATS εἴπει, 29°33 3 ἜΗΝ, suns ΠΝ απο πη πο "sgnataaten 5 Saggngasaa Ssas5n aan8g5 a 
fa andy oe 99358 Sagres Ay ἤδη aa aseastags 555 Age Rega ἃ καρ 8 sy 3581 Addex 5558 aangddeas 4 89 segnKy agian ag FR aggaag « gig 9 < meagre sgusatssneraseseas § mag ARSTAGH — RAGSGE ARER ἢ Nqanaaaigg Ἦν: agagagiegzenanagall esfnagager 55 ΠΕ ΞΡ AgaagEs gained agg 
δ" ΤΙ ἜΠΗ Leer ΠΤΈΗ ΚΗ δ ἀφ ΒΕσεωΡ. ξαι bn 8οδμξ az 088 abies ge gee, sea Sao ee ΠΝ asi ἢ ἘΠῚ ΓΗ ἘΈΩΙ Ὁ Ἐπε fs BEREERE anes Bers 

τ le EEO TG alt UT dct ΠΤ Ἐς ΠΤ ΓΤ TE ETE ad pease UM 
Bq Sees Meataes-CECEAg{EAEgr ct ude? το το νον τοῦ ~Sodlle UCI? Aa AadtEEE AEMEEE ΤῊΣ els AU tt ξεζεἠξεέ Reg εξ Αββηβε. 8. ἘΡΕΤΤΕΤΣ 2449466 ΤΠ ΣΠΉΡ FERAL 
βρξβηξεξεξηκηξξοιξδοο  ἐϑβεξοβδθαςτ ἐς ἀκ πε εκ ἐπ κἤδεξξ, ἐδ ἐπ κά πν εὐ μηδ 4 88 ὅξ. Zak ἐξεε τε UA? ἐπ, ἐπ. δὲ SERES ἐς BASESE ΕΣ eC ee Pee Gece τς ΤΣ ΤΕ ΜΝ ΠΗΝΗΙΝ ΠΥ ΠῚ 

ee δι 

Ξ Inn ose pa 



Γ ἧς = ie ἘΠΕῚ a ἬΝ ΝΡ ἈΓῈ ΠῚ μον Ξ ἘΠΕῚ : ἘΞ bi 1 ΠΗΡΠΝ ἘῸΝ ΕΗ aes iineas iH ir pbiwridps pins 2s aveeiy Ἢ ial leet = sz ers sit? 2 ΤῊΣ # wiht ἘΠΕ 2373 F2ee4 ~JeSSS ἘΞ Ἐπ ΘΙ F se22ase08 fesse 5 τὰ Fy aa SPIFLILILRASIVTsFe2" κα FT te 
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ΓΕ ΠΡ ΕΗ ΤΥ ELSES Gand add ΤΠ ΤΑ ΠΡ ABQ? oBE SicohnabGAGEEEEES ξεἠπεβ, ὁ ἀεϑὲῇ ἐδ, OPAL ALGER nA. καλέει. 9 ἐβεεέκερ εἰ ε δε λεῦ, UGEELEEGE-AE BEGLEY. ΣΉ 68 ΜΝ δ ἀεὶ εἶ batt 
ι hell Acted REESE GEL απ! ο,κάτεῖε ΠΕ ΤΕ ΡΥ ΣΡ ΤΉ Τὴ Taare eee έέάέέιτς IATEALAEEL=CGa4 EREEEEE 
"ἃ ees pag lene νων αὐ ner virarg at aeliieer sn aamSeRC mn’ eg  ΩΣΣΝ,, τυ ἢ το ΤΟΣ ἐγ κι GRUNER APR ARTEL AUyRS "EBT SAS 
taRAmegAZeS ἘΞῚ = BR esse npgen “- gone Ne se on sR nee PBS τῆι 2s on ge eens eRee sere = 2 SNENM Soessng 2 sn Rennes nee κ' ΝᾺ ποωπσω on i Se awe: 5 we ge 
3 ee 3 ΤῊ wa 3eRg8D9 290NG aang = posnossaen “AUCRaggag GaNang ygaaaang7: SN GRAMARAININT Ὁ 5] ona mgaa07 5 σον Ἢ ΠΝ ΘΒΉΣΣΣ ΞΘ ΣΙ ο5ς Π ΔΑΝ απΏ Ξ5.) 2 α΄: saanaanaaoen ie aenasa τὰ ma aang 8333 33 2a" ga gyrstaa | S8g29ac8 2D 
2] Basunas ainee : agg sashes aagages ἢ — a3 QUERRARTANE nEyegaTy 5 ae ae ane Agee gs ais agge geacann ὃ aasaansang SESIGUSIANIZANSNSTSRSANIASGS Η πῇ φἜπυβηπαπεβηθεπηπεηπεθηνκηηαπηῆσαε FE RARER asRARE ia ae abi Ra 88 fax ππηνηᾶηη dy Sqnan ag 
FRE, atte ate st 33 ἜΞΕ ἘΞΈΣΈΣΩ wo PELE PELE Η Ἐξ = TREE κα ΜΕ Έξει σι Mo Ἐπὶ χΞμτ δ. foe. ἈΝ ¥ £S$n ΓΕ ΗΝ ay ἘΞ send ΤΕ Ξ 
ΣΉ sites πὴ εν AUS aT nen Ή, ΓΤ sani bt) 

ἡ anaféié _ aecofitdscGhcthhsteieeE Se δεῖξε ren pert ie SndAEEE AREER, FE AS ond fld 2044 FEE 0 AGEPETERCERE ἘΣ 02S ΕΣ ΑΕ λῆς SASE1SE 

Tabies inctude the nationwide Prices 

ae ee Hace eee TRENT = TB See Bese 

πο ΟΕ ΟΕ ΓΙ ΕΝ RECRER EES RATE 8S cfinfloh 2 SEE ΕΝ ΕΝ ΥΉΤΗ ΤἪ ΤΕ ΤᾺ ἐαϑββ, ἐτήρα ες δὴ -eSEEELE 

\uwl 3855S δε 88: 5) 4 8635 553 53 Ξ 3 8 5 ΕΣ ΣΕΞΕΣΕΡῈ S| THREE 


Heralbake Tribune 

Poses Challenge 

‘ ing Democratic Justice Party (DIP) 
By Dinah Lee ΠΑΝ 87 seats and ταν eared 

% More Go] ᾿ : Ι 
ἘΠ M biggest borrower and the world’s SEOUL — Few national leaders the bonus of another 61 seats 
= oney, | fourth largest, after Brazil, Mexico have set as exacting an la for aw to the winning party un- 

and Argentina, but anlike the Latin their administration as t der the rules of the constituuon. 

Chun Doo Hwan of South Korea. Had rival opposition parties, in- 

Promising that he will step down αὶ cluding, the leading minority oppo- 
sition group, the Korean National 
, Party, thrown their support in the 
ΤῈ The return of Kim Dae Jung, the direction of the NKDP, civilian re- 

; the banned 

Boe ἢ aaa, τ ee ESE FEN “πε Ἷ παφτπο τ πο 
ginseng root, que οἵ South Korea’s main export items, in Seoul’s South Gate market, left. The capitals 

urs ΠΈΣ ΠΕ] The shop ἢ 

lteoUsiy tow τιν ee | arias Ν᾿ ape " ; ᾿ 1 opposition politician, Page 10. formists. supported by 
en you the en πα, pretips rapes veer hac . ‘changing central business district, center. A metropolitan subway train enters a Seoul station, upper right. W Scout's changing foreign policy opposition leaders, Kim Dac Jung 
aril gives vounyy | ing down in Asia as a whole, for- ; priorities stPage tL, 224 Kim Young Sam. might now 
aL RR mmo ὡς er magne ° Aa i happened. Mi, Chun's DIP 
Ἶ | jor Sonth Korean : W . remains in power with 35 percent 
Bie eons tite Ν Loans’ το South A PORTO Wera flicts ith U.S. ἅ the end of his second term in office of the mandate, an uneasy perch 
ahd Guideetu: relatively high return, and foreign ‘ since is secession 10 the Blue from which to oversee South Ko- 
᾿ Ὗ : bankers, along with their debate on the generalized of preferences (GSP)in House ago. former rea’s democratization am or 
Mold 4 srpuration {i in 3, with Sich’es the : uiahe television the debate oa the generalized syst jem of preferences (GS and military icader bas iven the year to take the international spotlight 
n odd Bar and eee joming Sony and they weve finaly incinded. In steel, they wees net so lacky 1988 a special significance. as host to the Asian Games in 1986 
εἶ were forced to curtail their exports by the ow Τῆι ἰς the year South Korea win @™U Olympics in TRS. ΚΟ αν 
: to them. several South Korean host the rest of the world at the + DS FeSO lo τν τπΑΣ 

iMtisserh || Monetary Fund, are pleased wit ᾿ 
in oxi have run afoul of U.S trade laws. South Korean Seoul Olympic Games. That is the lenge of his opponents, both before 
television sets were assessed anti-dumping duties in 1984 year which he experts the econo” and after the elections, has been 
and, as a resuit of a dumping int still in process, 2 iny to have achieved significant lib- worth watching in a region where 
τα δας ΠΩΣ tae netoan the τα δα bas been τον, Seaton το alow foreign ines chen humped together. 2 a 

not meatand a rotten I their enviable economic growth ob- 

Korean suppliers are sure to suffer. There will either be cumstances. i 
naty- ct, the most serious threat relates to textiles and clothing, ΑΣΑ ite root ΤΣ ᾿ : can be edifying. 
where protectionist forces have been lining up congressional Chan's military establishment or 2 While long Kong struggles to elic- 

52 pelle P age nad 383 in the Hi thay restoration of the completely civil tare testis ee pee 
eves fot ‘clarion which aeuld {an leadership South ἌΡ᾿ South Korea's February ballot 

Projections announced by Fi- Representatives for the legislation, which would be teaaae 5 
nice Minister Kira Mabn Je at the larly restrictive onthe top five suppliers to the United PSP tt ρος was most clear brought 84 percent of the Voters to 
i ded wil sol be alowed to a thei πάν Aroericans bave macy complains aboot 'Y,"wectad in the unexpected er det baalgas serie Je. 90 
access to the South Korean market despite some steps by dares chalenght γῆς Cham ἴα ἧς was assassinated as he returned 

: a 5 Mr, 
South Korea toward liberalization. Important American indirect election for National ἂς. {9 

cs 7 Kim Dae Jung returned safely from 
Products such as cigarettes and microcomputers cannot be semblymen held on Feb. 12. The wo years of politcal οκῖϊο ut Hlar- 

% ~ sold in South Korea and other products such as cosmetics 
tes that have ostensibly been Hberalized have had their tarifis ‘“icfioa sexback for Mr. CRUD vard’ He now campaigns under σεῖς 
ἮΝ π εἶ ὃ ΠΣ might well have been ἃ total defeat 3:0 restrictions. 
ἀπῇ Taised. Moreover, American service products such as motion had opposition votes not been split i Te UOf Souths ΤΕΥ 
; have been hampered. Americans are ly wor- The f ae leading opposition challen; to 
Tied by the inadequate protection of property _ The newly formed majority op- Mr. Chun support the con- 
rights in South Korea. position group, the New ἃ US. military 
re Demeencrey NUDE Tn cid ὡς deaf be 
The writer is a senior fellow in the Brookings Institution in a public of Korea against its 
: Washington. 6. ᾿ voting by 5,000 delegates. The ul- “(Continued on Next Page) 
- ’ τ 



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Page 10 




Debt Load 

Not Banks 

{Continued From Previous Page) 

er in Seoul put it, there are good 
loans and bad loans, and the Kore- 
ans have spent the money more 
wisely 7 al τὰ “one 
date ὃ eavily export- 
oriented nature of the economy has 
meant a regular flow of foreign 
ene with which to service 

three Latin 
The technocrats in charge of eco- 
nomic policies in Seoul have 
the 1 of the international fi- 
nancial community in their strict 
practice of monetary and fiscal 
austerity to reduce inflation and 
improve the country’s international 
competitiveness. Inflation, Hig 
was rampant through 
has been brought under control 
Although the economy still seems 
to be walking a tightrope with very 
litue margin for error, it has not 
lost its credibility among lenders. 
Export slumps in heavily iadebt- 
ed industries, such as shipbuilding, 
shipping and overseas constrac- 
tion, have been the source of a great 
deal of strain in recent years. 

‘The first half of 1985 has been 
good for South Korean borrowers. 
South Korean demand for loans 
has remained roughly constant, 
while several Southeast Asian 
countries have cut back on new 
loans. U.S. interest rates have fall- 
en, and Japanese banks, which 
have become f 1 active in 
the region as a whole, have shed 
their reluctance regarding loans to 
South Korea. 

Foreign debt is the source of live- 
ly political debate in South Korea. 
Politicians from the main opposi- 
tion party, the New Korea Das. 
cratic Party, regularly criticize the 

overnment for amassing such 
buge levels of borrowing, which has 
‘soowballed since President Chun 
Doo Hwan took 

Ne nee oie be 
American borrowers. 

] in 1980. 
nerve — one of the τ common 
questions ask foreigners is 
want they think of the debt prob- 


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Telex: K25792 SOGANG 

Economic Miracle Brushes With Reality | 

During the 1970s, for 
the rate of inflation measu: 

By Young Chul Park 

SEOUL — Exceptional and re- 
maskable are the two adjectives of- 
mance ot the Paton Korean 
economy during the years to 
1984, Economic indicators seem to 
justify the effusiveness of the 

a τον years of ep 

Or [8 ECONOMY swung, 

FR ard and recorded ἃ gross 
rate of 9.5 

ly upw: 
national luct growth rate ¢ 
percent in 1983, one of the highest 
in the world. This upturn was fol- 
lowed by a 7.6- 
1984, ile e economy” was 
wing at a faster 
Fore wholesale priced remained vir- 
tually unchanged and the current- 
account balance of payments 
registered a smaller deficit both in 
absolute terms and as a fraction of 
GNP. . 
The economic upswing in 1983 
was sparked by a substantial in- 
crease in both private consumption 
and private construction and was 
sustained by a strong pickup in 
export earnings in the second half 
of that year. Due largely to the 
recovery of the U.S. economy, 
which provides the largest export 
market for South Korea, and the 
ued dollar, South Korea's 

of-payments basis grew 11 τ, 
to roach $23.2 billion in 1983, 
Commodity imports, on the oth- 
er hand, rose by less than 6 percent. 
As a result, current account 
showed a sharp decline in deficit to 
$1.6 billion from $2.6 billion a year 
The rapid expansion of 
mostly heavy industrial and i: 
cal products such as electrical and 
electronic machinery and ships, 

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t growth in Tsiricti 

continued into 1984 and contribut- 
ed toa 10. it GNP growth in 
arty τὰ of the χα δε com- 
Ρ to the corresponding period 
of 1983. Toward the latter part of 
the year, , the economy be- 
gan to slow down considerably as 
export growth faltered and domes- 
tic demand also weakened. 

Both fixed investment in plant 
and equipment and private con- prudi 

sumption showed low growth, with 
home construction registering an 

half was, therefore, partly offset by 
the cooling off in the latter half, to 
result in a 7.6-percent growth for 
the year. 

The expansion of merchandise 

it increase over the 1983 fi 

percent ig- 8 
ure, outstripped the growth of im- 

ial {less _ 10 percent), to 
luce a substanti: ement 
tithe trade account. This pain was. 
however, mostly canceled out by a 
large increase in the service trade 

with ἃ deficit of $4 billion in 1984. 
The single most remarkable 
achievement of the South Korean 
economy in recent years has un- 
floubtedly been Sustained price hn 
le a 
fron 1982 to 1984, wbilesale prices 
on a year-end basis rose by 5.6 
t and consumer prices, by 

3.4 percent. This development States and Japan, which absorb the also devalued continuously to pro- President Park Chung Hee in 1979 
Kooat kone Gree et Ge bulk of Korean are duce a 4-percent forelona of and before the military coup 
Korea's long of inflation. Ἵ exchange current president, Chun Doo 
Indeed, the country has never en- did last rate over the last three months. Hwan. 

joyed such a long period of stable exchange- “Frankly, given the circum- 
Prices, with or without rapid ΤῊ τὰν Ἐ ἃ csarrad of eco- stances, we feel we won these elec- 
growth. nomics at Korea University. tions, said Jeymoon Chung, a se- 

amounted toa 135-1 



In the first six months of this 

to reduce the concentration of eco- 

forts to restructure industries and revive investment demand. They tion 
nomic power appear to have dis- of 

couraged investment. . 

IMF Special 

Business Korea will publish a special issue to mark the Seoul meeting of the World 
Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in October this year. As in 1984, the 
special IMF section will highlight the international banking community’s role in the 
development of the Korean economy. We will examine the community’s efforts toim- . 
prove local financial markets as well as its financing of large-scale projects and, of 
course, we will present a clear picture of Korea’s US$48 billion debt: How it’s being 
managed and what factors impact on the further extension of credits and repayments. 
As Korea’s most respected English language magazine that focuses on Korea’s 
economy, finance and trade affairs, Business Korea will also include several stories on 
the economy and on business to inform visiting bankers of Korea’s problems and pro- 

the economy capitalize on on ling a relatively limited 
ag ataal ext develop- oumber of diversified products in 

is expected to fall short of the tar- 
deficit so that the current account &¢t level. 
showed 2 inal i The slowing of the overall do- 
mestic economy, the poor export 

The economies of the United 

cn, τὸ South Wer hur 

The impact of Kim Dae Jung's 
return just before February's na- 
ional elections cannot be overesti- 

prevented by security officers from 
leaving his home to go to a dinner 
for the renurned exile. 

Pr camera 
it new coalition jPOSi- 
ὅδ underlined the wisdom 


Although -one of Asia's four 
“economic ” along with 

tricts, the right 

telex and prompt 

ment for a dialogue with 

‘ ibit plainclothes securi my. 
eons i i one. 

Opposition Leaders 
Hurry to Catch Up 
On Their Lost Time 

nior member of the NKDP, 
recently. : 
Five months after the election, 
both Kims are still Lapin from 
ing t0 ἃ , BU give 
the qnpreoa of ma 

dle-aeed men 

their differing educational back- 

. grounds apd the generally held 

view that Kim Dae Jung is closer to 
Yong Sis knows moda act 
¥ Sam is more te, their 
mutual policies could be labeled 
anti-Commumist and liberal. 
In June, they pressed the govern- 
alition over a timetable for democ- 
ratization. Both the opposition 
leaders warned of increasing ten~ 
sion and impatience, which could 
create an “unhappy situation” by 
i tional season 

mocracy” emy im- 
peding the development of real de- 

Interviewed at their respective 
homes in June, both Kim Dae Jung 
and Kim Young Sam denied they 
were setting out to foment unrest, 
saying that they were merely fore- 
casting the probable publi τε- 
sponse to any delays in the democ- 
ratization process Promised by Mr. 

South Korea. Such an uprising 
would be a tragedy for the whole 
country.” sn 

Kim Dae Jung maintains that 
activist student forces look to the 

All but the last proposal consti- 
tute, in fact, a demand to restore 
the civil rights that South Koreans 
enjoyed before President Par! 
Chung Hee’s revision of the consti- 
tation in 1973. 

The calls for reform are boosted 
by more frequent incidents of ac- 
tivism oy stufents and labor 
unions, student ion in 
May of the U.S. Information Sar. 
-Vice Duilding in Seon! P Proved a suc- 
cessful strategy for atten- 
tion on the actions of Mr. Chun’s 


Us building see Kin Dae Jung 
them to 

avoid: bea ΚΣ ἘΞ 

weapon by the North Koreans on 
the eve of important North-South 

Students have traditionally 
viewed themselves as the “political 

representatives of democratic 

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Young Sam, 

Kim Young Sam 

(nah Lew 

Kim Dae Jung 

Kim ri ered also claims to 
have i important 
businessmen who are dissatisfied 
with Mr. Chun's policies. and even 
su from some corners of the 
military as well. 

European diplomats hold that 
U.S. officials in South Korea worry: 
that Kim Dae Jung might not be 

table to the country’s military 
establishment, and that Kim 
or the NKDP’s presi- 
dent, Lee Min Woo, would be com- 
promise choices once Mr. Chun 

EST tg 

<im Dae Jung disagrees. “We 
ποδὶ overcome this insistence that 
the next president must be accept- 
able to the military,” he said. “In 
1980, the Korean military said the 
same thing, that I was pro-Com- 

forces, avoiding the “taint” of for- 
mal links with any specific party, 

including tion groups. 

ἔ However diplomats observe that 
since Mr. Chun introduced a policy 
to increase the number of universi- 
ty admissions, the elitist element in 
student ranks has been diluted and 
the range of their interests has 
broaden. Their links with labor 
have strengthened and the student 
movement's ages for change has 
come to include more concrete so- 
cial reforms. 

Apart from the question of stu- 
dent influence, labor disputes are 
on the rise. In the biggest strike 
during Mr. Chun's administration 

to date, more than 2,000 Daewoo ° 

motor company workers held out 
for 10 days in April for wage in- 
creases, and won. Daewoo conced- 
ed a 12.1-percent increase in aver- 
age annual wages and benefits, well 
above their initial offer of 5.7 per- 

the past. The fell 
as significant in a country 
where the distribution of the fruits 
of bard work and rapid economic 
has become an issue. South 
‘orea’s per capita income is still 

-styled well below that of Taiwan, Hong 

Kong and Singapore. 

—oN ἯΙ: 


πὰ, She 

: South Koreans 

been accused in the past af a sort 
Sc : 

foreign affairs 

: unexpected 
’ three- 

pice Chine tapas tbe sen 
United States: and ‘the Soviet 
Union, almost entirely in-terms of ness to deal directly. with the 
Scoul’s own most immediate con- Korean ᾿ 
oem, its ist neighbor and 

cold war rival of 30 years; North munist 

to President: Chun: Doo Hwan's 
Sea hosing ὡς Oly Garves 
cess 1 

in 1988. "The is the shift in 

in Tokyo helped Japan move to the 
forefront οἱ fen loping. Asian 

Hae Εἰ 

th the coming of oe 
¢ economy, age for 


; and 
i ἢ 

‘Japan as have existed bet 
South Korea and China, 
Chun’s historic visi 

At the beginning of 1984, it was did i 
the Chinese premier, Zhao Bi 
who carried to Washington 

gad ttl 
1. Memorable Exception 

᾿ς What 


the ‘among Pyon . Seoul and | Ri 
W: τ ing the first time - 
North hadi ig: 

competition’ | 
by next’ 


. t ri 
blueprints for South Korea's ex- States. Hyundai. 
:port-dependent economy, and 
tones who seek tii 

if Japan can do it, we can do 

in ᾿ διαρεῖηᾳ ex ταν moni pete ς΄. 


even blunt, exposure to the West 
came after the end of World War 
TY, when American 

peopl k 

To illustrate the extent of Ameri- 
can influence in South Korea, let 
i figures, More than a 

deputy and 
close to 10 percent of National As- 
semblymen who have been in pub- 
lic ice since the establishment 

of faculty 

prestigious universities in the coun- 
try have eared their doctorates in 
the United States. Of fours, 
among the generation of a 

orso, the Japanese background still 
looms Υ ἸΔῈ in the case 
of the political elite and to a lesser 
extent professors. 

At least on the surface. South 
Korean culture appears to be domi- 
nated by Western influence, Popu- 

SOME Jar culture is permeated by the 
American flavor. Mass culture may 
t of Japan, but it 

and middle-class 
housewi i Western 
classics of a wider variety in litera- 
ture, arts, music and i 

quently staged even in the 
tranodern high-rise | i 

moans The the small domestic of 
ἡ about 100,000 units ἃ year i : 
Korean-made car oxpected to’ grow men 

the standard of 

In this drive to sell cars to Ameci- 
cans, U.S. automakers themselves ius 
are helping South Korea. General 
Motors ἐπὶ 

by $100 1 ts 50-50, joint 
venture with the Daewoo for . Korea 
8 $427-million assembly - 
Fa Beta 
,000 units, or 50 percent i 
u of the GM-desi 

PAUL ENSOR is a Seoul-based correspondent for the Far Eastern 

KIM BYONG DONG is professor of sociology snd director of the 

"| | tnstitute of Social Sciences a1 Seoul National University. 

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YOUNG CHUL PARK is ἃ piofessor of economics at Korea | 


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gatageesszg stg 33332 

ε a ar ἜΣ : ὦ ῳ : " Ἢ ΜΠ 4 : : 
ΗΝ ΠΕΣ rer eres! rd | sad ἐς κα θη. δ ἦρε. i Fon lati Phebe: i its ie i: 5 ΠῚ it ΓΝ ἢ 4a Pre ΤῊ ae pies Ey ty 
υ ἘΠ: ἘΠΗ͂Ν  ΠΒ τ ν i ΠΗ... --- ee ΒΕ. Ξξϑβ. 
Be oe aes tp UB a : Z -s nue Bint ane — ie ΤῸ ἘΠ ἾΗΙΣ ΤΕ a ἰ: ee. ἐ 1ῸῈ}Ὲ = 
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SECRSSESSEEESEEES Bk was : : ἢ seslldel Step si τ 
aeatesstege ata, ἀξ, 8] | Held Uh it, is Ε ie 2 ἔρες ste zie aie faut pili fect, G21] fe ag uaa τὸ ΤῈ hastgeriaa -ο-Ψᾧ-.-: ἘΣ π se 
eegoesns £otenatt. ||#| Je ΕΠ ΠῚ ; τ ΕΙΗ:.- -- - ::-ς: ae ΠΕ 
i. SHRET SSDS SEH BE 318 SP PaPAERTIIS FFATIAST 5358 = oe ΞΞΣ ΞΈΞΕΣ s8 5 Nh Ue to F i tial HE sit ui i ἘΠῚ 2 —— = 3 ae ΞΚΑΣβ δ ΚΑΙ ΣΕ ΕΣ εΣ δεξεϊδρεαλδῆς, -ρ ΒΝ 
σξεξ ἐξ ἐῤρδίδερι Eyre Et aobareliiiMESRREEALE,A2UE PAE" εἰ δεβελ ἐδ ASG. gH κε έδεο, CREE δὲ ἐπ, ἐεβέξε, ἐ 44, gf SHAG of AAECRECUES aR, E-QORRUEBECE δε εξ ξεβῥόνέελδὰ, Epetises woke G006" LE As2e- ze. | set-ccstettee eetccetnSetectentcheces.cssee antareh-te.tac.a.c6 Fee πε μεθ δ εν 
εὐξδάξ ΑΕ 5 ate Shae δέξενβι tbat gSEe ἐβέξε εξ CEE cafe ἐδ : rr 

Agaid ae REESE gn Bhan Gen ahi iiOEd ghAE SUSY FF 882 W240" FUEEEACR GE A SEE AGES ARESEEZAEAES ἀξ BERS APREGS ὁ AS. gt ERESEAESIRUCRECEE® 2 pS aSCRAREGER off ἀπε 45. SERRE 2 ες, μι δα, ἐξα RSE ELES. ABRCEEEE. ae } pitta af Het a3anct dusted ay ΕΠ ἊΝ 

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eee ee ee ee ee ee thal ἯΙ ἢ Pea ΤΕ 

- -Ξ- senge BOY me oS ὦ Pg “Hegerce Renz «ς ᾿ - AR ReAgSD δα SE@PQ ree px 2 seen swag Ξ neg An g sex ox af 7 Se 5 22 ne 

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Fak τῶι ς ΘΕ Ee - 
: + Spncien da ΕἸΞεευτεπα «Ἐς 5 es wm eyus Ε SUNREUTEEE TE 2 BES ΠΣ ΤΉ τὶ ght ξ ἘΣ AEE va ae Se nS25 Ξ nel Fi 
ἘΠ INA STC Era ΠΗ ἢ HTL i ΠΝ λον. ἢ baile ΤΙ ΤῊ ἩΠΗΠ ΠΕΠΗ gH icin figs ΠΠΙΠΠῚ ἘΠΊΗΙ ie i Sia ἘΠΕ ΙΞΕΞΕΡῚ a — ee ΕΞ 
"ἐν oe oRARRSERS. gh Sik y Poh E PUSARERRE - FER RAE RES“ FS. RRALTER REESE ὁ gh ob SEE SEES Ἐπ ΣΟ Baht LDGSESIEFESA SER CARERS ASH ESE SEUSS O*8! SEREEE fe ἐξεαξεβξξέεκε, sthzeracise eatkezess sesthatteseeatetteaetates ee = 
: 1 εὐξεξεξ RARER AZ. ἐν κε REG Ξ 5. ALES ane Sek pak gilt WEARS, AERARCERS SE RERLAE ἐπε ξεν ἀξ Ὲ5, ἐκεε ἀξ pk A BERERISE RE SUI ERS ESEASECRIES ἀϑέξξεξε ἐξαεεξεῦβξι “EK SHEL ate SHE segs ce. coe cheater fot 
πὶ sh, ΤΉΣΗΣ ἈΠ ἫΣ ἯΣ ἘΠΕῚ eceeeele. Ls Sel stiles] ats ele ΤΎΠΤΗΙ ΜΕ tITte tee ΤῊ ἘΣ tite 4.8.8 ἃ, δῷ eke ee neers 2 anes FE ἘΠῚ ἈΠῸ isd gle eeaeel, τ seats iMiiden εἶ ἔπη: 
ΓΤ ἈΝ ΑΤᾺ ΠΥ ΠΙΓΑΈΠ ΝΠ ΩΡ ΠΥ ΡΥ ΉΣ ἀδάῥελ, ARERR dab ξἐβξεέξεξεΡ ,εὐβέρενθες κε οξεξ CGE, PEEL ἀξε ει 20% Τ᾿ ΤΠ ate ἽΝ Ua HE ΤΣ eas Ν 

"BM Cg? AR *SRBDR ERE TAEE δῶν SAAN" ὦ “πῶ: RANSOM GR eI" PANGUER eto seater or Rime lt teat el 

ae i ee ee 

Bepeeee ἀξ πΤΕ ghana a ean tae ga as eae aera eee er ER eee she es ae as της m ORRRRTREE Ἐ- ewes cx 2 ἘΠ eensn ΣῪ ἘΑΒΑΣπσδΝΕ ἘΠΕ σπε τς τε της τς πεν σι: τ 

aaqaae . 8 aac 2 Ἢ ᾿ 388. 8. τ a P38aq gSRasggge7 g a® ag309a 3 Ξ + Sa" 9 535 ΕΣ ΒΗ ΞΟΒΞΒΕΘΘΘ5Π 5 τ 555: 9° N95 : ἢ ἊΣ neggag Ἃ ἡ Fi 

εἰκάδῆη ῃ [ΕΣ : He 8 ΑΒ ἢ As gh ὃ onsgn ἀξίαν 8 ΝΗ ἔς ξηδηῆη ἢ ἔπ casei eenneenae e Nis Ἂ : : ἀπ μοὶ a ἢ - τὰ ns as a ct Eaé aad seberets.tcte ng E 
ee θεῖ ey ἜΣ ὃ κα ἘΣ ξ Hits ΠΤ υ etn BR a gS DegeFe e By Gt} Saag? 2 peeberes Ξ cee E 5EES ¥ aise 1B ES eons eer . : 

siilladin ἦν ΠΕΡ ΠΤ ΤῊ] ih ill Ha sian ἘΠ ΠΕ ΗΒ FEEL ἘΠ ΓΙ ΝΣ ἘΠ ΠΕ ΠΤ " ΓΝ 

ΚΎΕΙ ΤΕ ΤΑ ΙΝ ΠΊΕ ἈΝ ΠῚ ΕΑ ΤΉ ΡΑ ΓΗ ΣΤ ἢ. Ἢ ee eae AORSASRSBSSES? Et SEH ΤΟΝ ΤΠ ΟΠ ΩΤΙΤΤ ΩΡ] {ΠῚ} ΠῊ tal iil Tuedl| δ. ἢ κε εξ ΠΣ Ε δὶ ἢ 

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: 5) ~AREPSRARR An G SH g ASA RR E BERE SETAE ERE Ene SEE ARE AIR SSeS GAR RECEECS PARR. | | SSPE RERCRSRELE RE RRR a RT See ES. | | FeRacesateesees= se8 3g 8 | | zt ©) Be 4 & Ἑ εὖ 5 ξε 8 zZ 
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. — eo ισεν α ey lul S238SS588852015 82255122222 SRELSAESSER ΞΙ ΞΞΒῈΡ SFE ἔκ tendant 

“Herald SEECribune 
ann Pas US. Stocks 


Page 13 

Volcker Calls 
For Reduction in 

With Stakes Never Higher sath ᾿ , 

e e 
as ees a esa Budget Deficit 
il gr ΣΙ ΣυΞ σα United Tncernational Herald Tribune 

Fee kent 
WASHINGTON = Federal 1 Re. Dollar Takes 
said Wednesday that the central Sharp Slide in 
Sate aooeary sels bole ΒΆΤΟΥ Tradi 
the sluggish U.S. economy, but he pe rading 

warned that there are limits 10 what The Associated Press 
the Fed alone can accomplish. LONDON — Jitters over the 

‘ines Ameen Fao Hit Show body a mink substantial i provisions 
pati some! a coat ᾿ MCTeaseS πὶ 

nau Anetan Esp pat “Show sey ik oe for bad loans. - ; : 
4,000 fx te nd Sy ran tek inge throwgh δ fw and start «Tike Joes, whicts represents $2.34 

to common share, 
Fis pat t is that, true to form, Wall Street will no doubt Pnet income of $130 lion, or 60 
more attractive — even become a houschold word again . cents a share, for the same three- 

— the higher it : month period in 1984. “We are dealing with a situation U.S. economy and Presiden 
Newton ler, technical’ 2.5, ; - The Francisco marked ποῖα ἱπιδαίδηκος that Ronald Res : ΔΑ pushed 
market analyst at LES Hat- “Usnally it’s at ; foanor’ a aed Se maeneline? We cigieed indefinite- the dollar Wedesiay 1D some 
ton, who views | treet as market that x 5 or ir ly nor dealt with successfully by οἵ its lowest levels in a year on 
“in gear” intemally and prom. tops six months of S85 _connpared with monetary policy alone, however foreign exchange markets. 
ising to go higher, commented people are saying ; Stas fea «Ὁ a i ἃ Ἃ ; conducted,” Mi. Voleker old a sp tbe dollar opened. broadly 
has never witnessed ΣΤῈΣ _. 51.15 8 share, - ona ΤῈ _ ET. - - om bcommitiee to whi ver in the wake of an an- 
such lack of investor enthusi- business is great.” | | BankAmenica, the second-larg- | - At the VBA auction in Aalsmeer, bidders consider the cartloads of fresh flowers. presented the Fed's midyear report ouncement Jate Tuesday by 
asm while the market was at os bending company a : : on πορείαν policy, ; the Federal Reserve that Yas 

record highs. What has. kept ter Citicorp, said additional re- chairman then listed six revising its anti-inflation 
euphoria in check, he suid, is the “one, consistent theme this year”. ‘5¢rveS for bad loans accounted for The veri Dutch Ind ng nel cee 
orevarttnad reduced earnings estimates for corporations. about 80 percent of the $338 mil- ofa usiry “We are borrowing, as a nation, fe τ ἵν. Bale 

far more than we are willing lo save A trader in Frankfurt, West 

market tops that people are saying business ἰς ¢ estate 
now about the economy is more ᾿ Were [0 agriculrural, real aod Most leave the country The Dutch flower industry | internally. Germany, said the move was 
u “We are buying abroad much taken as a sign that the Fed 
_ ΠΠ more than we are able to sell. wants 10 continue casing its 

“We reconcile borrowing more monetary grips and push inter- 
than we save and buying more than δὶ rates [ower to stimulate the 
we sell by piling up debts abroadin U.S. economy. Prospects of 
amounts unparalleled in our histo- —_Jower interest rates make dol- 
ry. lar-denominated investments 

“Our key wading partners, di- [655 attractive. 

we Boo τ . G 7: Ἃ 
\ Hiei Be roe cece Tes Eau Decoy αὶ ΒΔΕ eee δὰ vet i 
ἀκ 1}ν.-ἢ Any, ἦς Ἐῆπααα St eee im that camp, $+ higher loan losses than we antici 

ον economist at ΟἽ also believes the U.S. i rectly or indirectly, have been rely- Later in hectic wading, the 
economy is closer to tecession than rebound. Pane ee ae a ine ae ing on our markets to support their dollar Jost more ground when 
“The last time service-sector employment was strong and reserve had risen $527 million fara | guilders ($1.1 bli. i __ As leisure time i and { growth, and even so most af them false rumors circulated in Lon- 
ee ae employment was weak, as it is today, was in total of $15 Dillion, The reserve | cent from 1984 and ἜΞ i fevels of unemployment y high pala ae ee tat Ne 
4, pointed out. “Few knew it, but the economy was mae now ιοιαῖς 1.81 percent οἵ } percent from an 1 billion “Meanwhile, ont high levels of In late trading Wednesday, 
everth in recessicg. oted {Toans. Dank oe consumption employment are the dollar declined in Paris to 
Index which monitors which way prs) ee Steuson Takuma Brother ne τα Bon tn the Infusteat base welwil S078 Keats oa Tee 
are later altered, increased in for the second straight month. New” York,.noted that the latest | horticulturists, ons tn is ἐλάται δεῖς Oil oe ie nes on Tuesday. fell 
Es nee eee τ provisions for bad loans arrived at | οἷ rade i countries, bringing i i West Germany remains far | Bet! service our growing external 10 2.8518 Deutsche is {rom 
economy is to atime are i i rad Ἢ : : 
starting to reaccelerate. ime when federal authorities by increasing guilders in export ap amd away the best customer for j Gor 388 DM a day carlier while ta 
pressuring benks to Clem up thelr resourceful, in- . Dutch flowers, with about a 1 evkad, after 2¥ years of econom- Zurich the dollar dropped to 
CCORDING to Nis Broun, manager of foreign investments ἡ τ i i . Colombia {hid of the market, but οὔδει, |. ἐχραρτῖσα, oo many borrowers 233 Swiss francs from 2.3915 
at Hamburg's Vé Seed Wenbek wee “That's what “The . ors. are, giving all finapcintcerta easel at home and abroad remam under dines a Teekay 
the stock market is telling us now: the U.S. economy will banks tongher audits,” be said. - ion οἰ 1 This new arity for flow- | strain or over-extended.” the pound gain eaten 
: fi. Gage got better. People believe the worst is over and are looking across Mr. Bove said charges for bad in this vi si one ns Bam popelarty for Box Mr, Volcker said the change Wednesday from $1.3885 the 
” the valley.” ᾿ : Joans could continue throughout sell States or fapan. In the United most needed to begin an attack on day before. 
——— Ξ Through the end of July, as Saeed emaen quarter 1985 but that BankAtoczica’s pos Ἢ i States, for “distriby- | these problems is a substantial re- 
be ben fone μοί γεν tion probably Soul no ena flower market. I uich FY tion of flowersis antiquated and | duction in federal budget deficits, 
by next year. a cay : aspen Ε and πο μοιίοα is | through higher taxes, preferably on Tnesday, central bank policy-mak- 
He predicted the com any i Muller said As ἃ consumption rather than income, if ers decided toi He the rapid 
would retain the current ‘while they are: 8 ig Opry mele ἀξ α enough cuts cannot be made on the growth of MI in first hal of 
of 38 cents a share despite negative j ἔχρδηδιοα | ν g Side. eee τπῖῦ ie hae Bee, Shee 
earnings, fet tian nde (Continued ou Page 17, Col. 5) leery alonronrod its future growth will be measured. 
ee ey ineord nok Secs nt ef any aps ge Ws Personal Income Rises 

πα χυν " AT&T Profit Rose 1.3% in 2d Period Sz cecssresse font Wel” 

there is a growing weakness in im- Ἶι has meant a much * personal income in- 

portant .sections of the economy, The Associated Press , Pot the et ix month of the ment and management, and that’s cr gga me 8 ch creased 0.5 peroent in June, bat 
which particularly affected our © new YORK — American Telo-’ year, ATHT said, net income the focus of our strategies.” watched measure of money, M-{, canes aay oe 

Portf naar ‘ ns ἃς Teepe Oo τοροτικὰ ἔν 19.5 pares 10/585 πὸ During the latest quarter, AT&T than had been inended. [1 in- aoa 2 guy bs a 
“While the decision to increase “Wednesday that profit rose 1.3 or 72 cents a share, from $682 introduced new business computer cludes currency in circulation, trav- 

the loan loss reserve is painfal in cent in the quarter ona mon, or ἐδ cts α cartier. products, sales of personal comput- elers checks and checking deposits Wednesday. 

terms of short-term ard, bance ee ἀπαῖοο once ἴσαι α ἘΝ Tevenue Up tO ers continved to grow despite a δι financial institutions. Personal income rose $16.8 bil- 

management and’ board | yee a0. : poe biltion, after deducting ac- stumping market, and thecompany “Taking account of current and lion in June and personal outlays 
that bolstering the reserve ia 8 pew AT&T said net income for the cess aymeals, compared with won a federal contract with a po- likely economic developments, the rose $15.3 billion, the department 
dent course for the lengeange three months ended June 30 totaled $16.’ tential value of nearly $1 billion, downward pressures on commod- said. Take-home pay — 

the corporation,” he said. . $461 million, or 41 cents a share, “We are those we Mr. Brown said. ity prices, and the high level of the income less maxes —decl ἋΣ declined 22 

᾿ taking, steps τ 
But other analysts were less san- compared with $455 million, or 43. need 10 take to build an improving 11 αἶϑο began developing with dollar that has prevailed in the for- percent last month because of fed- 
guine aboot BankAmerica’s proy- cents a share, in the same period a Ραιίοταικηρυ mace oes ie ae Quotron Systems Inc. a computer- § ened markels, the growth eral income tax refunds, which gen- 
pects. the loan provisions year earlier, when there were fewer poll, notwithstanding the di based information system for the in M-1 [total nonfinancial) erally are disbursed in February 
“extraordinarily, unexpected,” Shares outstanding, Calletges se fees ἴα ievi οἷς financial community, it said. debt has not in itself justified a and March were delayed until 
Robert B. Albertson of Smith Bar- _ Revenue, after di ing access 1 financial goals,” said the Overseas, it joined with major more testrictive approach toward Apel and May. The delay cated 
. diy 17 ney Harris Upham & Co. said the charges paid to local hone Charles L. Brown, AT&T's chair- cniuneed pewort savor and the provision of reserves to the after tax income to be unusually 
tx τα. Ἴων ἔπος “Sous tis ceo Dame cmc ΡΟ ΟΣ well ito against Se ioe ne Οὐ rpc 9 teak οὶ cose eaters Peevice πὰ tecaent an accasd tle oid tea Gaston ip eat ασπταὶ os 
. a — = “greatly dimmished” into * in pe asustainal tion in s mid- Ὁ more ni 
os 2" Swe wa mre τη. tame tone 1886. riod a year earlier. the Dutines of iformakon move. pis Repablic of China. year Fed report itself released last month, the report said. 
— 405 12) amass 45818 ὁ 1.7, τ 
2ΔῦΑδᾺ LS πα Me Bs) γα ἍΝ 
nse 266° δά (At (Lies ὧδε ws TM 
Rees 2a S. ne Si 
awk Mss 1,115" 01" 70" one —— ™ 
fies ἐπθ᾿ δῷ. ἀκ: δ5 ὡς utures, Singapore 

Ose 2252) μιν Ta) 

Taare mene oees 1s Well Past Hong Kong 

olior (*) Unitts of 190 (x) Units οὐ L000 fy) Units of 1000 N.Q.- not quotad: NAL; 
(=) Te bev one pound: SUSAATS 

Other Nellar Vaines ν By Dinah Lee cording to Mr. Brodsky, being yen. 

Corrency per USS  Cornency per USS Currency par USS © Currency per USS Snsernational Herald Trine — contracts, He said fi that Si- 

Armecestval 90 Finmorkko 600 Maloy.sieg. 2402 SKor.we M485 HONG KONG — Se 2a τὺ τ τ con 
over Hong 

_ All of these securities having been sold, this announcement appears as a matter of record only. 

New Issue / July, 1985 

ΞΞΞΞΞ ᾿ς $500,000,000 

Sources: Bonque du Benelux (Brussels): Banca Commerciaie Παπαπα (Miton); Chemical 4 
Bonk }: Banque Nationale: "ports (Parish Bora of TOKYO [ToRPa): IMF (SOR): sought to open trading in t underway in Hong 
ΔῊ (ain, fe ἀνα, Other data from Masters ond AP. eeu ον στα the Kong, . Brodsky did not agree. 

international Business. Machines Corporation 

Mean legislative dela 
ee ee αμΩις, σδαρις ἀδου ἄπα εην 
Ξεῖνε | 77s SWS AMS yt OVO EP ™ . ity Exchange from ἢ i oaey Whether Singapore maintains its 

10%% Debentures Due 2015 

V year μι, ee 5.» ρὲ Ἰθν νη. 
Scoreas: Morgan Guaranty Ξ |: Words Bork (ECUI? Reuters ate 
Poot Relea el eee rp ph ym equivalent). Simex is now trading in Eurodol- ie, 
lar, Deutsche mark and yen con- 
tracts, with the least successful, ac- once 

ὀπαῖς τὰ She SMS MMII ΠΡ, διῇ». ἣν εἰ 1 into ἃ fa ‘ie depends on whether another 




Salomon Brothers Inc 


Merrill Lynch Capita! Markets 

The First Boston Corporation 

Deutsche Bank Capital Goldman, Sachs & Co. Morgan Stanley & Co. 

"τ Corporation Incarporalad 

‘Nomura Securities International, Inc. Swiss Bank Corporation International 
ὃ Secorides Inc. 



1003 Hish Low a een 


faFse34 ΜΞ as. 


SB AMERSHRS #2 ΣᾺ δ $8 Soak δὰ safes OS: 
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Rese SES ἢ δὰ REE ἀξ CHEERS ee ἌΓΕΙΝ 
CASSEL ἐξ. ἔεξε δ. ἐξ ϑβηξέκεξ BLES IISA TISES SELSRE 
τς δ BARREN REY SRM EE: Ἐονακήτατεεεα ἐμ εεξεή eerie 

mS Κ 8 8S 8 8 Ἢ 
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degeaeteegd. £688, S48 ἀνθ όπεξε t2gh ge ἜΝ ΝΘ nl ΡΟ ΤΉ ΤῊ 

εὐβεεδέεξᾷ, AER Eben all edalE-Ehd 22S AREERLEER teal EE saad nah LORS REMMI 

Soles ln 
Ws ἰρλτήσεον 
10 74 

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3.587 98 a Gaasa. 5 

Ξὰ a 
eg 58. fy ἥ ass Qsefgg gf 

424/898 δαποσηας πας 888 385 5 EERE ἀπ πἀξαξεξεξας ἀπι απ τε 385 “5 33 39 

aE: 1 THE Sos pepteee] eee [τὸ [Fae + eee ὅπ +) [+t lt the FELL [Fee tee [1F+4] ++ 

“ἐν ἀἰκξκλαξκξέηβοϑτο [ἈΞ δεῇ δβ,δξξεε,ἀξξορρ RAL EEE? ξξε 88 ὁ, ἀδέλεκεξ ἀξξξβαξεῦμε.. Se 


Ὁ 15 

" «εἰ δοῖ Siniiie nfl 555,,,FHRES RAR Ἔδέρες, Eb ony SESE RELPEREASEE IE, ἀάξξεξεσεξξουοε εὐ ἀξ, 
ΠΝ wer erate ett pf εἐξεβοξέ, EE δός a Jedd epatetgtenegesseg 3d 

a ti Aa pi τ ΞΕ ΕΗ ganna apea> sage EDGANRE CDR πο πο ἘΞ Ὡς ΕἸ B ἔξ Ε i 
fi Rivas pings demwiiasaacali ἢ : ΠΡΠΕΠ a iH i ἢ 
δὲ HEgER δὲ εὐ RES ESESpoeesSust2 fe UEtESi09= ἑξξρεν κα ἐεενξιες δξξμασξυϑν 358} | dee ; ἜΠΗ gis zS3 
5} ΠῚ ie is ΠΕ ΠῚ HL ~aeeeenl 

= ἀπ ἢ ΜΉ 22ΞΞ PE = iret Ἢ ee ae Ξ 3 rite Ξ ae ariristentet ra 3 
ἡ, με ρθεί κοι, a tt tt ih | ΠΝ ξ88 SRSEOE δ ξξύλδησδη HAGE εδό ἣξ δπηποθηθοσεη τ te uicur nie mint tee Sear eas specs ϑρ οϑξαάδ Ύ85 (5. 6F | 
ἢ : ἘΣ aS 
"5 Sega e238 2. Ξ ΕἸ Ἐν Fi #82 3 g3 ὡς Ὁ} | 3 > fA if sends ven ὅπ ou: aia oY mane az nat oy “sae ae βασι, εν ως reat pete passe Pe aa gran πὲς a i 
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1 λεάταες δεεξξξερθςδρ LER" EEAEEA Each BEE EaBEh αν 428, 020858856 | |e a ATE | Ϊ 1Π|8ὲ Ὁ ἐξ μὲ ΠΠ 1 ii uals Lk ; ἯΙ ΠΗ He ie lt 4 | ἶ εἰ] Ἢ | ΠΗ 
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ἐἀβσάξεξα, ὃς ἀὐάδεβάς, fA RSEEIS RE ERSEL ὁ ἐρεκεσασά, α πέσαν ἀφ ἀδευσεσεσασεσεσε ἐμάχθε ἀξ ἡ ἐδὲ δεδεέειέθέε, ξξεξε δέκξεξε dese €,462 ΡΗ 
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Cold Hear 

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EA ἐβορ ἀξ εξ SZESE dt, omtdte | | PE φδς  ἀδεμα, ἢ ἀἀπξεσδς, ceca?’ | |2 ἀξ βηεξξέξοξξῃςξέ, SSRI SERSELEI δὲς ἐξέξηβο, SRE RE ξέρετε ξ, LAIES ἃ σεῦ ἀελεβοκεξατεξελοσα esd ἃ, 4] ἰδευσαξφε ξερὰ κ᾿" ΠΣ eee ἐκέβδξοκεκεβ, ἐβξξεβ,Εἴοθς Ἡ, ua ie 
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den Shas Bighiol Steg ἀξ εξ ἐξ βεέξἐέξξάξε, ἐξ ἐξ ἢ ξο κἐβκΞ. 5} [ἐδ ξεῦ, ἐπε ἀεξαβεανεσεξ ἃ ἔνασῇ τὰ Sse. Φι μὰ πκὰ SE er era ξ Ἐξ, SEE ἐδεξξαπξ ξεν, ERERSUAR SE ECAR RA GSU RES SESH | | RRSERRSE ὃν ὃ z 
Bri Wales] eehest δε εὐβειξοξξάξ fk ohdin a ohne ἐξῖε wad in ABEGAES sARERECRELSERS, S508 AUERIERS. δὲ S288 JE ULES LU RSESESRLE OS PRCELER εσεῦς SAREE ἀρεξεσε, ὁ ἐᾷς oie βοξξεξε τ [ἔα εεξῆζε a ἄ et |. 
a re Ξ 5. Mata 5 Bo SRA Sgn 7 “ἢ AMI SHA PA AT 9 sans ἢ 3 342 Δ Ξ 51 ama 7 + a 45 #3452 32 “3 tf ARAM + eR 2 eA Ὁ ἡποῆθι, | 555 = aR 2 
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Βηξῇ, ac3Bce3 =| |3.eB5e8882 Ἐρατῃτδος oS gESE ΠΡ ΉΤΗΡ « 38 ΕΝ ΠΥ Bilzocs re ἫΝ 3 ili 4 iit aT Bane SagScesE code th ἘΓΙΤΤΗ "ἢ i Peres ik δῈ8 δ sprue ΕἼ >. : ἢ 
Ἢ ΕῚ pleted et teat EJ # A ὩΕΞΉΒΕΞΕΕΣΔΑ 3. Ssiseks weLLs —3# S34 332 SS 3333223 38 ΝᾺ £348 S58 sBEEEESIE 2323 3 235 τῷ SA323F αὶ Θ 2.5 AS FA 3 Sass az #SSSRSAE 5 ἢ FF SPALE- 5955 1355 35 ΑΞ Ε“53 A3y 85 5 S2358_ oo ἥ κα ΕΠ a*# 2 F fa 5 ages ὃ ὃν. ΕΞ i 3 
ae ταῖν ἘΠΕ AFF + ΠΈΠ1Ὲ}ῚῸῚ peer | I+, LdT+ ἘΦῈἃ} Ft 1F] 1 F tt thdtelt ἘΞ ot] tt] ΨῈ] Fete td ey tee te tes 7 jiteet +t [hot] tt ἘΞ tery τῷ ltl+ [ee + | [t teett tty ἘΠῚ τῇ I4ghtT τῶι tee [+ 1+F ΠΝ + FUp Ft + & FF τὰ ᾿ δ 
Z te RS enol PSBE 22SEC ἐγ ὁξ, ἐδ. left tig tees ὃ fags | Ξε Ἐεϑαξά, Sseanene, seetted 5, Saf afd ὩΡΎΤΡΝ Ἢ ‘nek ΠΥ ΜΕΝ ΥΝ ΝΕ ΠΥ Riad SEUSe, SEEN EERE ἩΥΉΕΤ ERE PRESSE 5 ; wee 
5 olin Ekennal sh ghtSi ARs Rt Rld Sy A ERAISEES 82 EE RE BES | ήξξξῆξ hf nn RkP RRSLERS AREEEES ἠξοξ, ὃς JES EE AS on 5... [8.5 5.8 αι, κὲ, Sait Ftd CAESREECSES ἃ, ἃ δε CUNRE Ἔὐδάνες, EEE BERR hg REGRS 859 ght Cat Rall pathy SIRE, AER ASE ΕΣ Κ5 5, ΞΡ Ε 5 SS ge 
nGpSAlaAdset2§ Sf A818 ἐς Γ᾽ ἀεξ ἀὐσεξ δὲ SUSE? ἐδ ἀξεσουροξε EEUU aE SEEAL REPRE an REE ξέδξε BSA, 10 δεθόνὲ os fod on) othnSS pSORERIES. ARGUE HES ὅσες UECEREAC δε εὔσαδα σε Soa SoZ SCRSgESGE ἀπεβει EBCEC ER δεβκεια ἐεξβεβέξεβεεξαες 3 ξ 3B OE 
εἴ BRRRYAA WARS “EAR IESE “pre saee τονε πῆτο σπῆν Caaga tenes ἐς νιον κε τ τ Το πν ΠΡ Δ, “ee πο ΣΡ ΠΝ RSGRRSIGREOMRAR ΒΞ ΡΒ MERGO SABRE πε ὦ ξεν ES = ££ & % ¢@. 
gia ag an 35 nas 28 55 ΟἽ RRA FAM ΒΗ GAN ASSAYAY H AB PA ἼΩΝ wa πῃ 5] 5 Na oat go fem any 3) aha AA aoa “|| ang se ogy 88 oo 8 9 AR ἢ ay 93 3.5" 4 Ψ3Ὲ 89. 5 15 & i 
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ἼΠΠΠῚΠῪἊῚἿἊ ΠΥ ΤΗΣ ΤῊΝ ἮΠ ΤΠ ΠΗ, e Aled ted dt ytcWs ἐδ oceafol κι ογεξενεβνμόμεις i 
ET We ΠΝ ΠΝ UUme Une nt nnn US δὰ 

ae SEE RF _sr339s4 332352 2328 5 34 £25 

aka ἘΠ 


BE SR 252 48 32 F8ES89Se4 καὶ 5585 5585 Ὁ αὶ 33 F 
Lit [et pet Ἐἰ τ plete eee yt Φ ite Φ4ΠΠὶ8 Ε it | 

ΣΕΥ͂ ΕΙ ΡΉΝΟΥ ἈΠ E22 2835 
ἀξ δεθδῃ,. AECUERELEREL ANE. AASEEE sere geceszsner 

ad S82 4 1358 ΕΓ ΕΥΤΨΡΕΕΥ ΤΥ 5525 =: δ΄ S85 £42558 393 235 ὩΣ 7 Ξ of t 

ἘΠῚ LLL F Peete] ΠΕ ΦΕΡΕ ἘΠῚ1Ε Title 1 1Ὲ Flt Fat] Ὁ [tie ἘΠΕ ΕΕΣΕΕΙΠ1ΠῚ|4 ΕΠ ee Flt Ft ἘΠῚ [Petty PFt ἘΕῚ 18 Ξ 588 Ε] | 
Ἀ,βΑ εξ μεθ εῇ AEEEE.. | | RRERE,FEehegeatadesenes ἐβδῤξέεξξεέιτε ἐξ οδέξξ εν εὐὲδ, ORgeee at,s._| ξέξεξαν, δ ἐξὲ feds QRRSeeEUsE. tess aaa ἕ | 
anoalt’ nll feEQESt0S| |#20204_,#224seszene. sEECGENE £55 egcEtsedee #2020 , αῷ 45z8ts aah ἀξ  ἤδδϑείν, €ReEE.£ 068.4808 284, ἦν ἢ wate χν : ἕ | 
βεβαβξήκε ὅδ hola’ | ἰβεέεα! 824, τδξ, ἃ, εεδεβαα ERLAEPEEASPEAE APSLEE,Ceqeaecegaten, «ἐξ β΄ ἐδεεξαν gensesteeceatareerseasazte ἃ sede eet bine aged’ se 
masa 5.3. δὰ ἘΦ 5 πϑ5 8 : : Aaa ἢ 2 δ᾽ RANG 55 ADR ANG δῆ aS (385 Ξε: | 8 a tle al BBs i : : 
mash ἡ ἃ δὲ ne galt 3 πῆς aq ὃ 4 “ga saz RR 38 εξ ΕἾ ΠΡΟ ΙΩΣ ΕἾ EE 4 

Ha 5 Bish i ἘΞ | (2 ay es Ly εἶ ἢ Ϊ 

ΕΠ ΠῚ ie HBR: ᾿ 







nearly 50% off the newsstand 

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most European countries 

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eek ae) 

Comeast Offers to Buy 



ERECUN GS ae πα tHe κατα Ὁ 

:, Storer for $2.1 Billion 
i. B fn Crude a te boos rene 



NEW YORK — Ending weeks 


fered to pay about $2.1 billion for 

which is sing pate ge 

ἡ Jeveraged bayout. : 


eho e “ 



about 485 2 share by Wall Street 
Comeast’s bid comes at a time 

ty EB sy, 

chises for another 60, is consid- | 
ered 20 be one of the best-run cable 

companies in the country. : 


tany hostile with a 
pce exceeding £600 


Burton said Wednesday's of- 
fer would be its last unless an- 
other bidder entered the field. 
-In that case, it said it would 
reserve the right to raiscits offer 



went through, hoping to get $800 
milion to help pay aff the finan’ 
officials declined to com- 
meat on the bid because had 
ποὶ yet received the formal offer. 

en ag ln EM len ca Ie eens eee ee 

Philips Predicts Decrease 
In Profits for 2d Quarter 

States reflected the 
AMSTERDAM — Philips NV on the microchiy there and 
said Wednesday that it expected nol any special factors affecting 

results in the second quarter to be Philips’s U.S. operations, the 
spokesman said. 

in the frst quarter, Philips had 
iti : 

7 ι in 
ihe qearier τὸ 13:08 illion guil- 
I fers, 
which its subsidiary, Signetics as . home 
Corp. isa major supple. A Philips. cee, antes ὁ ἀέρα 
spokesman declined to give any a steady improvement in 
ures on the expected decrease m results, with 1984 net totaling 1.1 
billion guilders, as against 667 mil- 
lion in 1983. 

The company also attributed the 
for the “ctease for the first quarter to 
f problems in the U.S. microchip 

Be Stic gus 
People Express Set percent in oe from 1983. 
For 5 More Cities (222 a era it fo ibe τος 

nomic situation in the United 
- States in the second half of 1985, 

ny, Atlanta, Dallas, Montreal and 

Providence, Rhode Island. This 
will be the discount-fare airline's τ ἀῶ 

expansion τ three Associa ‘ress 

The sovice to Atlanta, thc home LONDON — Police are investi- 

ir Li Dallas, paling possible frand in the col- 

ican Airlines, marks lapse last year of Johnson Matthey 

" Bankers Lid, one «Ἱ Britain’s big- 

gest dealers, the government 
Snnowmeed Wednesday. 

to each city. Service the 's records, although so far 
from Newark to Montreal, at a $29 there was no conclusive evidence of 

. fraud. 

. Among the documents that pos- 
sibly were removed are those relat- 
ed to “substantial past transactions 
on certain accounts that are the 
subject of large losses.” Mr. Law- 
son told the House of Commons. 

He told the house June 20 that 


Lufthansa Says 
It Expects Profits 
To Decline in 85 

COLOGNE — Deutsche 
fone ae δὲ δὰ i 1988 
it its το fall in 
after net profit more than dou- 
bled in 1984, to 162 million 
Deutsche marks ($56.2 million 

that slowing world trade, an an- 
ticipated drop in the dollar and 
fierce competition on the most 
important intercontinental 
routes wee to blame tor the 
Jower expected profit. 

He did not make a detailed 
forecast for 1985, but said all 
visi in would be profit- 

Mr. said Lufthansa 
paid a 3.50-DM dividend, un- 
changed from 1984, because it 
bere to be able to finance the 
airline's investments, expected 
to total 1.5 billion DM in 1985. 

Police Probe Johnson Matthey Bankers 

ny seriously overextended itself. He 
said the latest estimate of its losses 
totaled £248 miltion ($347 million), 

quiry, Mr. La 
will be submitted to 
Χ ᾿ 

The Bank of took over 
Johnson Matthey in October 1984 
following huge losses on its com- 
mercial The rescue was 
aimed at Preventing a crash from 
upsetting the international 
market. sold 

Johnson Matthey is one of the 

Adelaide - 
given ἃ seven-day extension of its 
bid for 44 ᾿ 
τ ιιὰ. Hartford (Fair- 
field) Pty. an Adelaide unit, last 
week raised its bid 40 cents, to 3.90 
Australian dollars (52.76), a share. 
‘The offer was to close Wednesday. 

Gorn fe nue ood ean Co. will consider production of vid- 
for 8,600 employees and retirees 
and ie agency to assume 
them’ said it had a " " ΒΝ Ὁ 

pension ability of $173 million. [δεῖς exporting about 46 milton 

year before. 

Frontier Airlines’ directors have 
roved an employee offer to buy 
Denver-based carrier. Under an 

five unions, holders of the compa- 
ny's 12.4 million outstanding 
shares will be paid S17 per 

and the unions are to own at least 

Page 15 

Steamship Co, has been Se oe ΒΚ an aera οἵ 3 Peet 
s fall. 

ἧς Industrial Development 

Bank, Greece's state-owned devel- 

opment bank, has agreed to pur- 

chase a shipyard near Athens 

owned by Stavros Niarchos. for 

513 million. The yard closed in 

tes ast ee than τωι taillion 

"_ im losses in the past four years, 

and heav leaving 4,800 workers unemployed. 

Matsushita Electric Industrial 

tof Wormald In- 

eotape recorders in the United 
States in view of Japanese-U.S. 
trade frictions. Matsushita pro- 

VTRs to the United States, ac- 

Charter Consolidated PLC fe- counting for 60 percent of its total 

rted that pretax profit for the shi i 
Tar euinge Math τας ΕἸ6 ἐν Ρισεδα, (5 Ἰ585 δύ, 

million ($23 million), ἃ 55-percen’ 
on from 

t MGM Pee i ᾿ t Co. is 

“seriously exploring™ a plan to spin 
£37.01 million the Grits United Artists movie subsid- 
iary to its public shareholders for 
$10 a share, or a total of about $500 

National Steel Corp. will spend 
$200 million to equip its Great 
Lakes Division near Detroit with 3 
second continuous slab caster and 
related equipment. 

joldings Lid. has 92.8 

τ with four of Frontier's 

a ee ΤΉ eT issaed 
ad. percent . ion ἰδραι 
General Moroes Corp. will in- shares 

Tease prices more than 3 percent 
on several N-body compact cars for 
the 1986 model year. The move led 

analysts to predict that GM will shares it does 
raise prices on the rest of its passen- 

in Allen’s Confectionery 
Lid., bought at 4 Australian dollars 
($2.84) to 4.70 a share, and will 
compulsorily acquire ordinary 
not hold by the close 
of its takeover offer Aug. 2. 

U.S. $175,000,000 

National Westminster 
Finance B.V.& 
(incorporated in The Netherlands with hmited liabiiry! 
Guaranteed Floating Rate Capital 
Notes 1991 

in accordance with the provisions of the Notes, 
notice is hereby given that for the six months 
interest period from 18 July, 1985 to 21 January, 
1986 the Notes will cary an interest Rate of 
8%16% per annum. The Interest payable on the 
relevant interest payment date, 21 January. 1986 
against Coupon No. 9 will be U.S. $215.89. 

By The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., London 

ὶ that London bullion houses that jointly Agent Bank 
las. Delta said it would begin offer- the banking and ld-trading decide the twice-daily fixing, which 
ing $98 one-way fares for a limited branch of J they PLC is taken as a gold indicator world- 
number of seats to Atlanta. had collapsed because the compa- wide. 

hon ha 38d host nak. 
ws St : Revere πο pit} 
— 868 an GTE Sew τὰ Βὶ 
8 6 ger yes ie Row ies 195 
ry ἢ 
ἄ ὧι ie 8 pene — ἜΣ ME 
FMc Per snare, ia Gresser ae [δ 
! tat Natt va fers ἘΝ 
"5 1908 Revenus—— 7. ἢ vs lows Οἱ inf 
— eal Net inc ....... ens ΓΝ 
= 4 3. ton να 115 halt 
ag . Heileman G. Brewing 
τὰ — τ ἢ auer. jee 
ag ee for ae im ἢ [:} ΜΙΝ a a 
Nel Inc. “- — 
f- ἢ Ὁ Roeee gS BR oe ot 
Crown Cork & Seal νον Par Shore a Baers. Ko} 
| im ae General Signal ᾿ς Hilton Hotels Libbey-Owens- 
Pee Tn Ue Revenue τ᾿ # ew. a me — qi 4 
Hevenue— fat day ἔμ Shore. Pershore 11 bers 7 
Net Inc, τ 1st Half, ᾿ ‘Ist Halt ‘st Heit i 
be ai = = — =— ἢ 
Dana Corp Por Share, 140 Per Shore — ok Bet Sire a is φΦ Φ 
Fevenwe—— ἐπ Seiden west Fm fats bor share, μα proeetY ferred vided 
Net inc, —— 456 we Ww Hons. 1984 net ine 
PerShore— 080 ΝΩ͂Ι ING ane BS Gudes leas of tao, Lilty (Ef) 
tt Halt wes ΤῸ, = nen ‘2nd Quer, 198s 
Revere — δ ΔΝ Nein Da Refine — Ti Tah : 
Por Snore 147 = 167 PerShare—_ 790 198 aig acai ‘saa Per Ἴ57) 186 
Ἐζα τα φῶ Grainger (W.W. Eee — Gn Ge we eI 
4h Quar. ms ye - Ἄνα Qoor. yas 1908 ferme 72 Netinc, «- 7710 i 
Revenue. 5727. 1 Reet — 51 ἈΠ ΩΝ, we Per Shore 364 156 ἐς 
ee rs i Ἂ᾿ Τα Hot ww: im Oper Net τς ΤΩ TAT ican wes | 19 
Eevee πὰ emt = Rawerwe kd Sue) Ger Share 324 2460 ΑἨδνακξ. TA 14 
Netinc —— ΜΝ ΤΣ Ber Shag — ie ΠῚ seats: Co Arman Per Shorea ΟἹ δῦ 
shore respits adjust. ear, 
meer Το σε ne ὀ aurea priceccan §=6— eve — Ya, Wit tame Jas ia 
fronts handled fa prior eucr- μι ie ont stock PerShoreo ΤΣ δὲ μος ΕΜ an 


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to be true, then forget about it. It's 
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| REO τ 

—— πισσα 


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Rinys ὩΣ Ἰὰ 1 “Fa + | ΠΟΥ͂Ν 5 Re 5 ἘΞ: ἀὴθ25 ame τὴς ae Ὁ ΤῸ selon Ξ Ἢ mae | ee. ἢ δα ae ae | Seorm Oe + ΡΣ io 8% Sh 
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Rabven A451 Wave a Wel Cs cima aon ears te wm ἮΝ SE agg nthe 17 Te ν, we ἡ tf | Seton Ὁ “fasta 1 σὴν + we m+ 
maura "at δὰ δὰ δὴ ΓΝ SABHOs 5 τὰ at va δὰ 9 +m | Scimed Bek fe Pk | Shemea AE 16 ταν οῖν BG ὅσ τὶ | Society tee" As aatal™ σὰ ste vs | Se manila μὴ τ + era 
StontdT Τὰ a 
: ἔπαθε τὰ sa Wane ame ae Dm rine) 
Stanspy 121% Wh Wem te it Wee we, 
Hose 120 15 δέδια ote asi + 2 Magis ces 
Sintec biz 67a δὰ ΔΩ Δλὰ hh Se-h 
‘Steiper τοῦ a th δὲ 1862 a4 ἐδὼ ὁ ἢ 
me Pee ee 35. 5ὲ ἔλτν. 
᾿ Tee ees ie ss eS ese is he ἐμὲ 
eusanasapasnsnonsasacattsesnsastsenssenscena | Peer Econ ΕΙΣ aa ; ἔθος ws αὐ a tet Τὰ ΕἸ te ire 
Β ‘ANT " Senay ὰ Ξ : Stratus TEIN Sa 1 Ὁ Μὰ 1 πᾷ μὰ ο΄. 
ΡΕΒΘΟΝΑΚΆΒΒΙΒΤ S| ere Se ἘΣ ἘΣ15 2 Be ees 
3 . 4421: ἥξω ἢ 
: Extensive Travel ; PARIS [{Ξ 5 μοὺς πρὶ ἢ St ἐς ne Base 
> atin’, te as rr τὶ δ Subory M48 Ἐ1 YAS MAKES ΤΡ ke TOR δὰ 1Δ '6 m y 
Prestigious California, U.S.A executive will interview po ee ae Taye Α Foye 3 ers 
Feeble Mba bec dap or te GRANDE BANQUE SAY ma ἢῤῥ ee mise Pe a eee ee 
4) his Personal Assistant. $50,000 dollar annual salary : ‘ Ω “ gomito ie 75 lay 2 ἰδ + 58 we 
# plus benefits and bonus. Extensive world travel, Bumps 96 44 mi 2 Ὦ 1 tive = = 
Η " . ἘΞ ΒυΠῊῊ}! Ὁ 7 2250 16 13 Wann va Te Th 4 τὶ αν nn 
including tour months per year in France and Italy. ν ν ᾿ ket i ie ἢ tips tee a ἢ τὴ 
: ᾿ certainement ff | £222! 3 
Applicants must have superior secreterial skills, a τ ‘ous &tes Cadre supérieur dans une ‘ous partez anglais et r ged ae ie By δ τὰ τὰ πω χὰ al sine 
good knowledge of art and antiques and ability to Monona NOUS Over Consoere eee as careaee ce stade Sint 4 an 4a, ak Abt + We ie ἢ ae τὸ 
fa} manage hectic business and social functions : μ᾿ ᾿ & roupe fincincler de tout ποῦ 55 Waa τῆς ἡ 3 $2 38 woo 
i: i vos septa ix Gemiéres années & intégrer un 9g ΠΟΙ ea SuperE! 1201112 541% 10% 10% + wi τὰ Ὁ δ Ὁ oh 
precisely. Fluency in English, French and Italian is import/export de matiéres premiéres lar plan, OU vous pourrez élargir Suertex an τὰ se ae ΩΝ ae ἃ aan 
required. A university degree is prefered. Personal ou marchancises diversas. la panoplie de vos connalssances et pecs nat Τὰ ον Ὁ tte “ie ae τῇ 
appearance is important; 800 35-45. Vous avez négocts les financements ‘votre expérience profession- Survte allt, ie We + ὰ Of et ἢ =* 
avec des banques Intemationales ef } nelle au sein dune direction de grafts Bu. we w+ 585928 2 an Σ tf 
t a ocquis une solide connaissance des | commerce Intemational en pleine gympio 232 me ak = seus ΘΝ [ 
Ὁ ΘΓΆΡΗΒ to: ATTEN: DS marchés par de nombreux voyages | expansion. Symbiic τ i TR Tee τὰ Sate mils ἢ i 
Be ΡιΟ. Rox 8471 ΟΡ ee te Re) gi ἣν OS Bl ἐς dn μὲ Be 
Los Angel: CA, U.S.A ΗΝ Syscon 48 17 δ ιδὴδὲ JEM Ἰδὰ + a ao Be Ze Ὁ ΕΝ 
s Angeles, see Adressez Votre ΟΝ. photo sous reférence 9631 ἃ Médio-System, gvAsoc wae oo ality We ie aah ite 
2 rue de Io erica Fi i wm “Veue Wy" ss δι 27 aie 
se Haat m2 των, BY dae ΤΙΣ He ie ie Ὁ ἦν mole ame 
τ ἮΝ Δ 8 SO β)δμω Fe Whe + oy 424 141? 7 
vig iow jee ον wee Ree ie as 
πὰ TWN Pando BZ mo th a ae an we 
Herald-agz. Eribune, 20 21 ἀπιῦσι σι, τοις Ἐ ΟΡ ΕΝ 
Pn πα Fe κα τω τε στα τς D6 3 102 3 Ze ZI + ἣν Lig 38 | Sate 2. + 
Ϊ ἢ i i ings in i izati ie ia “Ste ee Ἠὰ " ᾿ 2b Te Ma tie + 
Major Fortune 200 computer company has immediate European openings in its Government organization for: δι Bot ie bee 36 48 es ese 
. 2b 1Δ 7110% 10 108 + 200 34 160555 SBS +h 
e Φκο ἸΒ 39. 2 Ζ2; 28 ἡ 47 τὰκ 7 
35 - - 
The International Senior Sales and Account Management Positions Be Be, ἐξ a ough Bass 
; . ΓῚ διο 376 He Mm to 23 7 om 
Herald Tribune Technical Consulting, Support and Marketing Positions ae BB BH Bie 2 ye 
πε Ϊ kj £ ΒΟ 12 Υνς Te a 21246 We 
‘ ᾿ ὃ " $3%% 7 Th Se ἐρ 8 δ 
IS ΙΟΟ ng or an These positions are in West Germany. Qualified candidates should have the following background: ἘΣ ἐᾷ ΕΞ BOR UM aie wae 
20% 3213. 

Advertising Manager 
To motivate and coordinate the IHT's 
advertising sales operation throughout the Padific 
basin. The position is based in Hong Kong and - 

Write: Mr. Rolf Ὁ, Kranepuhl 
Director of Advertising Sales 
international Herald Tribune 
181 Avenue Charles-de-Gaulle 
92521 Neully Cedex, France. 


Litton Aero Products, internationally recognized as 
the industry leader in commercial navigation and 
guidance systems has an immediate opportunity 
for a Marketing Manager to be responsible for sales 
of commercial aircraft navigation equipment to var- 
ious commercial and government agencies in the 
Asia Pacific region including Japan, Korea and 
China. This position is based in Hong Kong and 
may include timited office management responsi- 
Background and experience should include avio- 
nies, sales experience to airlines, airframes and 
government agencies. Educational background 
should include a technical/business undergraduate 
degree with emphasis in marketing and 4 working 
technical knowledge of avionic equipment. 

Litton offers an excellent salary and benefits pack- 
age. For immediate consideration, please send your 
resume apd salary history in confidence to: Litton 
Aero Products, Atin: Jonathan Webb, Dept HKM, 
6101 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021. 

as Aero Products 

Where Technological Advances Take Flight 

is looking for a 


ments for young men to specialist beach/board sail shops, 
ἔτ sporting goods stores, trend-setting young men’s shops 
and major de ent stores throughout Europe, via sales 
agents or, in Italy and Scandinavia. distributors. 

position in our young group, with a major responsibility for 
achieving our very agressive sales objectives. 

Please send detailed CV, with salary history, to: 
Mr. Lawrence W. Hampton, Managing Director 
Ocean Pacific Europe 
97-107 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London W5 STL 

Please respond with current resume, posifion and residence, quoting reference number 601/65, to: 

Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 101, D-6380 Bad Homburg v.d.H. Phone: 06172/ 28011. 

Φ Knowledge of U.S. Government organization, procedures and solution requirements plus the 
ability to think at a conceptualization level; 

@ Knowledge of technology and its application in the Government marketplace in one or more 
of the following areas: 
—technical sales solutions, 

" — communications and networking, 

—data processing and data management applications; 

Φ Previous experience in the computer industry is highly desirable; 

Φ The sales positions require previous successful computer sales experience; 

@ Degree in a technical and/or marketing discipline or equivalent; 

® English native language required with a working knowledge of German desirable; - 

Φ Some positions require the ability to qualify for U.S. security clearances. 

KLW, Unternehmens- und Personalberatung GmbH, 

We're looking for people 
with a wider view. 

International Belgium, We are Icoking for young and technidans around the world 
Eutectic +Castolin qualified graduate engineers, prefer. and maintains three advanced 

ably with business qualifications. research centers in Lausanne, 

institute offers career The ideal applicants will be pro- Switzerland, New York. ΝΥ, USA 

ALES A CETIN Al Π gressive engineers with qualities of and Sao Paulo, Brazil, The most 
3 SAND ARES eee opportunities for ambition and creativity. Candidates important industries the world over 
OP sells spring and fall lines of “California life style” dynamic young will serve ἃ growing intemational request the assistance of our group 

engineers. Marketing and sales organization.  δγιά the E+C Institute to establish 

They wuill be trained to be ready to advanced maintenance programs 
meet top level management to help 8Π6 to educate their staffs in our 

We are part of a leading mutt- expand the opportunities for eff- maintenance techniques. 

. National group serving industry ciency and savings in a broad range Send us your curriculum vitae 
We would like to find a dynamic European who is an around the world with a fullrange of industries thanks to our unique and a brief explanation of your 
experienced sales manager on a multinational basis, who Of products and services designed to services. . Personal goals. You must speak 
knows textiles, who understands our particular lifestyle keep industnal parts and equipment = We will provide thorough English and the appropriate 
orientation and who speaks several languages, including in peak condition. Our Institute in-company taining to assure that language(s) of the country where 
English well. This is a very senior and important executive is recognized worldwide as a the candidates selected have acom- you would like to work. 

leader in advanced maintenance Plete understanding of the develop- 
technology through our unique menus and services provided by our = The Director 

E+C TeroLogy* concept. international Institute. Engineers Eutectic+-Castolin Institute 
The post is located at European headquarters West Chal who complete our program willbe Box 1020 
of Landon, but extensive tavel Is required. Salary, abies ες = ready To enter a new prestige profes- 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland 
incentive bonus and car will be very attractive. Application Development sion providing personal satisfaction : 

and professional accornplisnment. 

Our companies are seeking to They will be prepared to play a 
fill a number of newly established —. en ἀεναορι nea rieenaee | | | i 
Positions in six of our major Euro- technologies for industry. ; ——— 
pean branches ~ Germany. France, The Eutectic+Castolin organze = Eutectic; Castolin 
the UK., Swizerland, Austria and ton employs over 3.000 engineers Institute 

at Sales in Met | Sates In 


+l 0 tee Lath «|{| 

Bo s8uhad Sa 38, 

FE OF τεῳ Este sszeee sacs 






Ὁ δὲς: 



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le baalleee 
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NCMS a leading catering and _ 
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an asset 
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Attractive salary plus fringe benefits 
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ὃ ex oil company general manager. a 


ΚΣ Σ] 




ἡ Candidate must be minimum 30 years of 
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. 4 ΑΈΛΑΘΑ. 




Πα 8 HE ἘΠ ΒΗΓ ΊΠΗΗΣ fet tes V0 Ree ΤΣ lil μπ 
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RSSGSSSuSEE So Hae boo APET Pre ay ἢ Boge: ΒΞ ,. we ἘΠ ΡΗΣΕ ΓΕ Ἐν τε ΓΝ ΒΕ Ὃς Sf divencas § ΤῸ Ε ε Hen ᾿ I ant 2 ἘΞ ἢ 5 τὶ 
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oastulls Fo 89th. BORER LB ἐν = ὃς 




emperor in 1930 under the name of Haile 

The Italian-Ethiopian Campaign, 

By Anthony Mockler. 454 pages. Mustrat- 
ed. $24.95. ; 

Rondom House, 201 East 50th Street, New 
York, N.Y. 10022. 

Reviewed by John Gross 

fertile με αν [ον Ireher αἰ τὶς 
war between Italy and Ethiopia in the 
1930s — the Abyssinian War, as it used to be 
called — is chiefly memorable as ἃ landmark 
on the road leading to World War II. ft con- 
jures up images of Mussolini vociferating [rom 
a balcony, or of Haile Selassie addressing the 
League of Nations; but beyond 2 vague im- 
pression of defenseless natives being bombed, 

Mockler gives 3 fascinating account of Haile - 
Selassie's early career, and of his determination’ Ὁ 
to modermuze his exotic feudal empire. He- 
lured Belgians tu train and equip his army, 
imported foreign advisers to ‘ise 
reforms, sent an envoy to Tokyo to τὸς what 
could be feared from the Japanese pope 
But ali his plans were cut short by the Italia 

Could it hase been averted? The immediate’ 
cause was an outbreak of fighting at Walwal, 
near the border with Italian Somaliiand, that 
led the Exhiopian government 10 protest to the 
League of Nations — a wise move politically, 
in Mockler's view, but ἃ psychological blunder, 
since it forced Mussolini into ἃ position where 
to climb down would have been to admit that 
he was in the wrong (Something dicrators find 
it difficult to doo. Further, Mussolini had been © 
contemplating an invasion of Ethiopia for 

ACROSS 48 Kingdom 11 Hood's few Je toda likely to har Ἢ id ἱ ᾿ ἱ 
49 Author 4 lew people today are likely to have much idea some vears, so it would have been a distinct 
1 Twofoid Fleming id Onno of what happened in Ethiopia. cate Possibulity even without Walwal 
6 Footless SiSkistar—  {3misniee™ Anthony Mockler’s first purpose in “Haile ὀ Τῃς war was marked by great savagery, 
18 Plant Dowauer 19 Spain's Islas Selassie’s Was" is to redress imbalance. Neither side took many prisoners, and 
en τ τ ν ἀκ wa abe τς ἀν “bgeay European b's Schad a henge aap by 
{uncom fort- et veetent Υ͂ war, a5 he says, as “t ally a European ὃν a beheading. a beheading was av by 
able) sree, ἀξ τοὶ BEETLE BAILEY concern, a sort of dramatized αἰρίοπιαιίς histo- the use of mustard σας, But while it may be true 
15 “The Forty Trlestogam 38 7 HEV ginal P NEWS! ry in which the Ethiopians pe yed the part τῇσι “the Iuilizn frightfulness in the air was 
Bak’ .61“Humoris=—_ evlinders ΠΕ ΘΟ ΘΟΟΡ tas merely of colourfal extras” he Sts it firmly equalled by the Euuopian frightflness on the 
ον αν Gi SGOT a and consi: in its Ethiopian context. d.* air superiority was so decisive that it 
ie Maple aamus 42 Bonn ue 30 Aenea er AT SARGE/ HIS THUMB [REE Even so, the talians are on the scene in the hard uot τὸ feel that the Italians were more, 
Ti Kind of agent Kristofferson : pages. starts, as far as culpable (quit ai ¢ Fact that 
18 Berton en ort house 31 Soprano Mer. Rocke is concerned, wid the a of Ado = were ‘he ᾿νε σοῖς μὴ rom they 
m metric man et al. wa in , in which an Italian force, sent to After Haile Selassie went into exile (setti 
although hgures: Comb. 32 Step— subdue Ethiopia, was routed by the armiesof y hoe in fn and. ΝΣ where he 
20 Sovyttakes com aa Typect box Emperor Meaelk 1 many piety a villa in Bath) and after his 
. οἱ τὶ Β . 
a er ee Nene! expres ade shenuns GES Sh Sued ὡς τὰς 
anaynative 68 Zaire’s Mobi 851: =e taal ians annex iupiz and mer, it wil 
24Sandraoffiims "Seg. 48 Teemea watched the fighting from a nearby hillside ftalian Somaliland and Eritrea to form the new 
35 hebrew letter 67 Ford“lemon” 43 War garb for . under a black umbrella “raised instead of the state of Africa Orientale Italiana, or Italian 
ee Richards [ἀπά Imperial Red asa sign of ἐν at taite against East Africa ta colony Mussolini never visited, 
30 Citadel of jow-Christians” — it_was an ex- incidentally). 1 15 stnkil ι i 
te ol DOWN 46 Awriting tremely bloody one. True, the Italians taken thus established. Mockler wiles, “s theenent 
wknd 1 Phonograph surface: prisoner had little to complain of (as to which it was not just a military-colonial but 
34 Land once record <coeform to their Eritrean auxiliaries); the worst humili- 9 specificall Pasi regime. many 
36 — loss for 3 Obey the rules surfix. ation inflicted on them was having one of their Marshal Graziani, viceroy from June 1936 τὸ 
words 4—t0 49 Jots number led before the empress and forced t0 November 1937. had already earned himself a 
37GullofGuinea . _ (blockade) 50 Positive sing “Funiculi Funicula” and “Dolce Napoli.” reputation for brutality putting down rebel- 
feeder 5 Virginia, to eal But the humiliation of the defeat was still jions in North Africa; After an attempt to 
SA cotain τὸ e 55 ere rankling nearly 40 years later when Mussolini assassinate him in Addis Ababa, members of 
39 Synthetic fiber 4 pera dam launched his attack. β the Fascist Party in the capital were given carte 
41Call——day 7 Thee 56 Alike, in Arles _ During the intervening decades Menelikhad blanche to take revenge, and thousands of 
ἐνὶ few An ΕΣ τω died; after a period of civil war his daw re Ethiopians were slaughtered. When the monks 
rom Allestree 8 Explorer Pp In 1210 wil in Debra Libanos, Ethiopia's τ famous 
pit aa Distress bere 7 assistance of a regent, Ras Tafari, who had monastery: were executed on Graziani's orders 
45 Mollifies 2 Disiness white: Happy Days consolidated his power by the time he became ἰῃ 1937, it had the effect of reawakening resis- 
47"...untous Ι0 Willful Again" tance throughout the country. 2 
—isgiven” violence 0 “‘Israfel" poet 5 ‘ In June 1940 Italy declared war on Britain 
Solution to Previous Puzzle and France, and fighting spread to East Africa. 

© New York Times, edited by Eugene Malesko. 

AT eee, 




Later the same month Haile Selassie arrived in 
Sudan, and the following May he entered Ad- 
dis Ababa in triumph. ite some initial 
disasters, the British graduaily got the u; 

hand; in Ethiopia the tide had been turned by 
the “Gideon Force." a motley collection of 

under the command of the abrasive but 
inspired Orde Wingate (whose eccentricities 
included summoning his subordinates for in- 
terviews “which he would conduct quite naked, 
scrubbing himself with toothbrushes”). 
Wingate is one of many strange characters 
who pass through the pages of “Haile Selassie’s 
War.” Mockler does full justice to the fantastic 
aspects of the story; he writes with an unobiru- 
sive wit, and keeps the narrative flowing. 5 

John Grass is on the staff of The New York 

DOOh Bune sae 


————— Goo 



Ἵ T SHE » - : “i 
Shy THAT GRE CANT 7 = urn ἢ | BRIDGE .- ; 


AT WORK : By Alan Truscott right in one way, for East-West tract there would have been no 
Ξ 2 : ν Ἶ = N the di deal, ca cae 10 wie eas escape from the loss of two δ 
CT] BE δ) OvNomtscit tome ter δαὶ μας smote ge dlanond wets : 
Xara 3 ὁ way to the perfect contract in γερτατοά six clubs. He knew’ ° akan" τ 
“DO WE HAVE TO CLEAN OUT THE WHOLE GARAGE OR the faceof apre-emptiveopen- that his parmer held club eee : 
JUST ENOUGH SO THE CAR WILL ΕΙΤΊΝ ὃ’ ing. sirength and probably some skies: 
- East-West were using the spade strength also, since East west (Ὁ) ᾿ EAST 
ἈΠ] NB THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME Namyats convention favored had not wished to defend four #8 1052 ° 
p @ by Henrl Amoid and Gob Lee by many experts: The opening spades. sore tet? oss 
: of four clubs promisedastrong © North resisted the strong 10 #8784 
: f four-beart ing with slam match-point temptation to SOUTH toe 
potential. North's double correct to six spades and made eA eels ἢ 
Showed some strength in clubs, a poet pass. Amat OA76 Ἢ 
AOE giving his parmer thoughts jubs and an ly A032 ἢ 
Ι ΚΧῚ [1] slam. South contented himself, diamond king’ East could not ui ee : 
| CLK AA A however, with a cue-bid fol- judge that one more heart bid west North East φῶ 
finindeatal lowed by a bid of four spades. was page slam was [ΩΣ ᾿ΕΝ Pos 40 
This contract would have easy, since opening heart Pass’ 44 
PARPE produced 11 tricks, bat East lead was ruffed and trumps Pes pes ὅν δ 
saved in five hearts. This was were drawn. In ἃ spade con- weet ted the beart ace. 

ἱ ΓΚ] 

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Yesterday's | Jumbles: DROOP OLDER MUSEUM LOCALE ‘Abols Zu 225-59 | Kioock 2εζ8) 369 | Blaine sao 25 ues 376272 | lteubianl Heavy Χή 33) Aa pramaien «Sie “Iai ipa” | Zaybemning, § — Slave ἴδια. Tew tM ν 
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people—-"DE-COMPOSED" BvG 193 ΤΡῚ | Lufthonsa ae in ᾿ να. , siiteural FS ORS) WneC Prone = Ste 2h Ze es Ξ i : 
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Colond Hida 3 3580 | Mamesmonn, _r9d.e0. 1859 Centrale 7390 220 NGK insulators ΤῈ Δι Fs Budd con τῶν, im Bett 108 Rare. oe oe E 
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HIROEE vy ὡς. Altay fee «ee ERI I κἀξ. Baws Beet eer Fir 
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an Bercelonad = OBS 19 64 fr Monti. MU ἴς st |} Robe OG 7438 | Veta qn zy | Sree Δ Tay | Maateieon ‘Bee Bits | Pharmacia Δ 18 | EMinetsu Cremical ὠς 655 | πῃ Cara TUM ἰδίᾳ Tom Gate ἘΦ HS oa 
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ee Tel Aviv 66 τ ofr «NewYork vn a Base 21590 212.86 | Hong Seng index : 1607.90 Marks and Sp 1 18 | wouttnex 18 βίαν engeme 28 | Roche Coby me Ga] πῆρ A. Sant ie 904 Ὁ ‘gid eamurara ὁ Sis : 

Jer OCEANIA San Francisco ἢ) 70 12 δέ pe BOvrT veo Bonk nag ΗΠ Previows : 165199 ere are a Qeriveninte μη pay r Schindler an ἀεὶ 1M0HrdingAF «6155150 15) tg | SOS Bomorars 5 1 1 

ΤῊ ‘Auckiond 15 9 12 5 erento ar hat Boyvereinsnonk 7 393 s Pot West Genk δ ἐδ a8 πὶ See thence we ©) Generep Sie Fe et) cee: «=| SED st 

ος Sydney 7 43 ἃ ὦ if Washington “Κ᾽ oe BB 2820 75 Pilkington iS i 363 35729 IF Tigs 1 BeHees inh =| SS we AK | 1100 a 

— ‘choloudy; fo-toooy; fr-foir: heholl; oovarcasis ROOFTIV Gud’; Croke” oo 31 81) Plemey 35 | Brintemos mA SEC ae ‘ae sett H Bay co me ἢ +h} 686 sit Ἱπὰ 

ae Theshowars? EWSNOW? SI-aRSIray, εἰ ΠῚ i ᾿ ΘΗΝ ον SE ger 20 mo | Ertentiot 6 [δ βαάοιε We en] Anal a ms Setss Retnsuronce aig aw) Fay imosco Fee τὰ ese) Beka | nite ΤῊΣ ee 
aE ara Cont Gummi ie Δ 1Ὸ Rocat Elect 144 198 | Roussel Asant Tag Y, 

ΕἸ JMURSDAYS FORECAST — CHANNEL: Πουσῃ, FRANKE BotmierBenc blag “EG | Ammtoameaa” 2009 yaaa Renatontein stom stays | Eomn UC" Na fail Gi ἘΞ be | Goong se Ξ τα πα Ἐς ἦν’). | απ Nnak coo SAR ἧς ah 
Torn 56 7 t¥5— ea MEW YORK: Pale tems Wait ΜΆΘΗ Deutsche Rabeock “Tey isi | Bivvgae 130 taal Reed int! δὰ ἈΞ ποτίσαι oe] eee? 5 Bit | avich ine Zia 20) ἘΠῚ laer Pine τῶ a at taf TO Somer ore ἘΡῚ ay Ὁ 
AUT; ue ZURICH: bale Toma. Seon pelt Ranencgie θὲς τα, Breiner Bone ορδθὶ Sey | Be Bears Sat Gat | Revol Sutene assign Gn (roar ||P ΕΠ} ἔρθη 1B ΠΏ} Soi ΚΙ . Bem tgs 8 rae Revel Bons.” Εἰς ἔς ΗΕ 
Showers Tere ona Genes iss Tronderntora Tees | Se ΔΝ gl | ΘΠ βέροταιη ἘΞ 85 ὃπὸ B 8 | Sitch (et “ὦ : Tae ered ᾿ Slee δὶς ἰόν ἐς} "2SRovicees ΤΟΝ pede 
Tron, SINGAPORE: |—73). SEOUL; storms, Tema. 25— ΤΊ Horpener 30050 Elgwds 1700 1700 | S0sten! $45 445 | Agefl index : 211.95 Dal Nipmen Print 118 110 ‘M75 Lobott S274 me pai? Siz Ξνήποτσα | SZ τὰ et 

eee 7— 71, SINGAPORE: Toma, S125 [8ὲ--- 7), TOKYO: — | Hochiler “δὰ Grsa on Be 310 Sta | Previous = sii28 Daiwa ri m5 ΠΗ . cpa ‘ A ret 
; ρον. Tommasi) Haeehst 20850 21280 1 Hormony δῷ ἘΦ | Shepp ποθι. Psa GAR fae | ato SBS] μοὶ not uated, νας not | ἔθ ἔϑεανα EA Rw Huet A | Toot Soles Dietseanaren, ἡ 
683 ' Previous : 218,59 Fonuc 74. 7400 | OvOllable; ad: ex-dividend. oy μι ‘Com yw ye εν Goss Previsef. 
Ἵ : ᾿ can Ce γηΣῖ 

pT SNE SA I NO a me 


first two runs. And Dan 
a a 
winner, relief ace Willie - 
dez, did not allow an earned mun. 
But Hernandez did 5 ΠῚ 
Meets dows αἰαὶ Sic 
‘ounce over might 
ended up as an side thedowe 
homer. —~ 
“Tm it bounced over the 
τ fence,” McGee said. “It would 
have been great to see what would 
have happened if I kept running, 
but it's a nice memory.” 
Mortis ended his streak of five 
scoreless innings in All-Star play. 
- ΑἹ didn’t pitch as-well as | 
have ” he said. 
Brett, despite what he called “a 
Ν᾿ Ee pepe pe τόμον pee 
said he thought Manda) Bw 
ΜΙ Caner 2 itting contest, whi 
is, “The inside American, pitchers, mn ἃ ting Ἰλ16, be 
mine and Tm meas wee onged ἐν δίαης foe 460, was more eiiingihan 
Replied National Leaguer Vir- 
gil: “It wasn’t, boring to us, We 
won.” (WP, LAT) 








Ryan, who said bis control 
wasn't the best, dusted Henderson 


Be ΒΕ 


Ε ᾿ 

“Ryan is intimidating,” said Pete 











not giving in to anybody. 
"Told that Rase had called im 
intinidator, Ryan deadpanned: “I 


w All-Star Notes 
Φ Detroit second baseman Lon 

Se Nebel aca eae 
Whitaker forgot to bring his uni- 

season is a farce,.waited in vain. 

All-Star Cavite Still National’s Pastime, 6-1 

form shirt with him. The Tigers 
soailed him another one, but appar- 
ently it was fost at the Minneapolis 
airport. Whitaker played in a $15 
Tiger jersey purchased at one of the 

8 souvenir slands. A 
No. 1 was taken off one of Willie 
Hernandez’s extrm uniforms and 
traced og berm with ἣν iy 
tip for- 
got bis love, 100; be to borrow 

one from Baltimore shortstop Cal : 

Φ Five San Diego Padres started 

® For the first time in five sea- 
sons, there were no rookies on ei- 
© Brett, on 
Games in domed stadiums: “It το. 

minds me of being told asa child τὸ " 

£0 to Toom and you can’t 50 
outside and play.” 

© Rose, 44 and 2 National 
League All-Star for the 17th time: 
“¥'m glad J made the team. A Jot of 
players like to take the three days 
off. But the good ones don't.” 

laying All-Star ἃ 




throw eluded catcher Carlton Fisk, but only after Darry] Strawberry and Tim Wal- 

Page 19 

Revmeritivied Preu itetncnonal ὦ 

lach had scored on Ozzie Virgil's fifth-inning single, upping the National League lead to 4-1. 

singe by Philadelphia's Ozzie Vie 
closed Scoring in . . 
Lan ο a cwo-run double by Wil- By Jobn Ἐεήξεια 

lic McGee of St. Lovis. 

SANDWICH, England — if a 
golf tournament can have a last- 
minute theme, the 1985 British 

: “Yes, ‘Tom Watson is here, fid- 
ϊ dling with 8 new putter in an at 
tempt to break a yearlong 

Yes Jack Nicklaus is here, cont 
dent after a second, place finish it 

contest [staged Monda 

Would Ἢ the recent Canadian Open 

US. players is missing, and those 
hy epee pencetere ae 
contenders in the tournament that 



ἘΣ ἐξ 


2 Pina, Spain, some time 
Tour de France 2. Sean Kelly, Iretond, of 1 minute, 7 sec: 
un σπᾶν behind hoger 
abrnpt EIGHTEENTH STAGE 7 Adrie Von dar Poot, Netherlands, 5.1. 
Gwynn it 1000 Hendrsnet 2110 ‘Vet Log: Luz St. Sauveur to Col dc Aubisnoe toon ered os 
CrzH 1000 Molitor 3b 7000 (525 Kilometers / 32.6 Miles) 7 PN LeMond, le ar. 
Raines it 0100 Whitakr 25 2000 1. Stephen Roche, Irelond, 1 hour, min ἢ acy scunen yi ΠΗ 
Herr 30 211 Gorcia 20 2018 utes. 19 seconds x Pans han Cons z ae 
πγαπα 1000 cet? 1901 Ζ2 Seon Xally, Ireland, at tminuie, 3500 γ0, inch ait i, 
Penae 1000 Bradley cf 1000 onds behing ὑπ oe ττὸτῶ re 
Gorvey Ib 2011 Peryvp 0000 2. Poul Wellens. Belgium, at 1:07 Ἴ Del ‘Sool 5.ἴ. Ξ 
Clask tb 1000 Hermndz p 0000 ἀἋ Luls Herrera, Colombio. ot 1:15 rion ἀπο rnb er. 
Murpw cf 3010 foal ὐ τὸν Ce ee ee γε ἮΝ Ft ‘ST. 
MeGoe 8201 7 Bronsky cf 1 4 Padre Detgade, Spain, κυρίου τὰς inautt: Prence. 
Strwory rf 1210 Rinkon ss 3.010 7. Grep LeMond, US. ST. 1S. Claude Criauletion, Bsisium, 5.7. 
Porker rt 29.00 Tromm! gs 160 8 Bernard Hinowit, Fronce, at 1:30 
Mattien 302000  Winfleld rf 3010 9. Boot Brau, Suitzeriond, 8. aie terraces Pranem 5 Nears #1 
Wallach % 2110 Moore p 0000 0. ns 
Kemedye 1911 Bogos 3b 0208 
Viratc 1012 Rice If 2000 
Valent p 0900 Fiskc 2000 
Rose ph 1008 whittc 0900 
Reardon p δῦ Word ph 1900 ‘< 
wikon ph 100 ὃ Geamanc 1000 z 
Googe p Ὁ ἢ Morris p 0000 a 
Μ inti ss 4000 Kevp 0009 γῇ 
Σὰ Hols 1000 Baines ph 1010 10. 
Treitn ph 10 18 “Bivleven POO ἢ ti. 
Sndore 22 118 ὃ erty 12 Robect Mitior, 
shen 58 15. Pater Winnen, 
wmv 1009 1 Track and Field | {Sty toe 
Totals 51 we ᾿ 
4 1 Robert Forest, 
1500-Meter Reeards τῇ Colesting Prt 
18. Cloude 
Wortd-record performonces ln the 580 mit 19. Ῥαρροὶ Simon, 
tere since 1756; 20, Alvaro Pin, 5) 
Istvan Reesavolgyi, Hunpory: Aug. 41956 = 21. Plesre Bazza, 
- τὰ 2 
Olovi Saisol. Finiond; July 11,1957—3:602 Zh. 
‘Stanigiov J (Crachosiovoklas July 24. 
12, 1957 — 2:38) 5. 
Herb Elliott Austrofia: Aut. 28, 158 — : 
2 33360 

Herb ΕΙΠΟΗ, Austrotla; Sept. ἃ, 1960 ---3: 35. 
Jim Ryun. υ.5.; July δ, 1967 — 3:38.1 
Fiibert Bayi, Tanzenia: Fab.2, 1974—03:322 
Sebastian Com Britein; Aug. 15, 1979 --- 

‘Stove Overt. Britain: July 15, 1780 — 3222.2 . 
‘Steve Ovett. Britain; Aug. 27. 1080 — 3:31.35 
Sydney mares, U.S.; Aug. 18, 1983 — 323124 
Steve Ovett, Britain; Sept. 4. 1981 --- 3:30) 
Steve Crom, Βγ απ; July 16, 19@5—3:29.47 

CHICAGO—Troded Tom Paciorek. out- 
fielder. fo the N.Y. Mats for Dove Cochrans,, 
Inflelder. Assioned Cochrane to Buitalo of the 

ν᾿ Μαϊουοῖ League 

NEW YORK—Ontioned John Christenzan, 
outflelder, to Tidewater of the International 


SAN FRANCISCO-Acgloned tha contract 
af Gary Rajsich, outfielder, from Phoenix of 
the Pacific Coast Lecgue fo Louisville δὲ the 
american Assocation, 7 

Records set αἱ the 1955 All-Star Game of (ft 
ἴα Minneapolis: 
INDIVIOUAL DENVER—Signed Borry Stevens guard. 
Notional Footbol! Lesgoe 
HOUSTON—Stoned Frank Bushy linebock- 
: —— or. 
Fewest extra-base hits, ome clits: 0Q—Amert. 
* un Leogue ἡ Hes record set ὁ Hines, kt In bcp agra matory Henri 
193 by National League. 
- _ Most stolen bases, bon clubs; 5—1Ameri- 
+ San 3, Nationa! 2); previous cacord 4 (154, 
‘1975, 1984). 
Fewes? homa reas, both civbs: 0-=Tles τας 
rat τογά eat 19 times, last In 1978, 

Palnty Stoadings: Toulouse. Foris-SG.Lllle, 
Lens, Bordeaux, La Hevre2; Monaco. Rennes, 
-Sochoux, Strasbourg, Auxerre, Laval, Nontes, 
Toulon 3; Matz, Morzaiiie, Mice, Bastia, Brest, 
Nancy Ὁ. 

events, if not the event, in golf. 1 
could never imagine having the 
chance to play and not doing it. 

“But a lot of guys look at the 
money and not the tradition. Fif- 
ago, your year was 

judged by how tournaments 

income what he’s making playing 
in πα States. Nit 

lesteros regret Lrange’s 
skipping the tournament. “Maybe 
the Americans are afraid of the 
course or maybe they don’t want lo 
travel. I do think Strange should be 

ote won’ Now it's fudged by how here, though. 

much you win, A guy can —_— Nicklaus offered another theory 
make $150,000 and never finish on the son-American invasion: 
Bigher than fourth. It’s τοῦ bad that “Look at the list of guys not com- 

ing. 1 think most of don’t feel 

second last year, It could make m: 
job 2 lot easier, becanse 
was going to bet on to win. 
bom cell inaromml 

swer why 90 many guys aren’ 
Tn Curtis’s case, ἢ can't possibly be 
_. the cost, becanse he’s won over 
Ὁ $500,000 
chartered a Concorde to make the 

wip if he wanted.” 

said last week he wanted 
totals scane tine off 10 be wlth his 

. Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Tom Wat- 
son and Lee Trevino have all un- 
derstood the i of the 
British Open,” he said. “Others ap- 
parently don't. 

“It certainly isn't for me to tell 
Curtis Si what is right for 
reins Ἐς 

Ὑ] to earn- 

ings record [set by Watson in 1980), 
but if he won the British Open it 
would be worth five times to bim ih 

Compiled by Our Staff From Dispatches 
NICE— Olympic silver medalist 
Steve Cram set a world record of 3 
minntes, 29.67 seconds in the 
1,500-meter run at an international 
track meet here Tuesday night, 
Cram, 24, battered the mark of 
3.36.77, set Sept. 4, 1983, in Rieti, 
ltaly, by fellow Briton Steve Ovett. 
Making his move 300 meters 
from the finish, Cram went on to 
Moroccan Said Aouita, the 

I ic 5,000-meter gold 
sen Olympic ὰ 

time of 3:31.76. 

“T knew 1 had a chance when ! 
saw the strength of the field last 
week,” said Cram afterward. “I 
really felt I was alone out there. 1 
wasn't even aware who was chasing 
me. I saw it was Aouita in the last 
10 meters, 
of agai tnt dot gk ty 

t "t thi 
mea ay ἰΠαίδηο Pama δε 

Cram came close to Ovett’s re- 
cord several weeks ago at a meet in 
Olso with a third-fastest ever 
3:31.34. “I knew I was geuting near 
i ee νοῦν πεῖνονι 
here — as nervous as ever 
been.” He said the formidable field 
and a cheering crowd of 18,000 

him on. “It was much more 

“I want to ran there,” said Cram 
after setting the record, “but a 
tough race like this one could have 
a delayed aftereffect.” (UPI, AP} 

this year. He could have ~ 

day 1 will wia it. But i I can’t, Γὰ 
like to see another American doit.” 

Ri did in 1981. That was the 
al Si George's was re~ 
tumed to the open rotation after a 
32-year absence. The club is about 
90 miles (145 kilometers) south of 
London on England’s Eastern 
coast. Although it is, like the Scot- 
tish courses, 3 links, bounded by 
Sandwich Bay (which teads out to 
the English Channel) it has none of 

the Scottish history and tots of 
blind shots. 

“T've spent the last two days just 
trying to figure out which chimney 
or Magpole to line my shots up on,” 
said Nicklaus. who shot a first- 
round 83 here four years ago. “It's 
definitely a different golf course.” 

Next year, the open retums to 


Langer, Masters titlist and 

A Subpar U.S. Crew Leaves British Open Wide Open 

Scotland, at Tumberry. site of the 
famous Watson-Nicklaus duel in 
1977. Will the Americans be back 

“On the traditional Scottish 
course, 1 think you'll sex everyone 
playing.” Nicklaus said. “Put the 
tournament at St. Andrews, and 
you'll see 20 our of the top 20 

Asmocted Press 

co-favorite in the open. 

Terrain and Campaign Drain Hinault 

By Samuel! Abr 
International Herald Tribune 

PAU, France — Injured, weary 

and ailing, Bernard Hinauli 

the ees On 
We y with a diminished lead 
in the Tour de France bicyle race, 
but one he is almost certain to 
maintain now that the mountains 
τ Oly three | dail and 

ly long daily stages 

‘an individual time trial remain be- 
fore the race ends Sunday in Paris, 
23 days and 4,000 kilometers {2,500 
miles) after it started. 

Hinault, 2 30-year-old French- 
man. who rides for the Vie Claire: 
team, pte exslaie δ ee (ae 
Champs-! face is drawn 
and there are dark pouches under 
his eyes, the result of fatigue and a 
fall last Saturday in which he broke 
his noge and rij his scalp. He is 
also suffering from a heavy cold 
and is said to have occasional trou- 
ble breathing, 

As somebody said here Wednes- 
day, he looks more like a man who 
has gone 18 rounds than 18 days. 

But barring unlikel or. 
another τ, Hinault seems 

He bas made up 3 minutes in the 
last five days. Third behind the 
American is Stephen Roche, an 
Irish rider with the Redoute team, 3 
minutes 33 seconds back of Hin- 
ault. They were the only two still 
overtaking Hinav)t in enees, 
and gave it his best effort 
Wednesday morning, winning the 
day's first stage by a minute and 30 
seconds over Hinauli. The finish 
was a fearsome climb up to the 
Aubisque Pass, 52 kilometers from 
Luz St. Sauveur, 

Riding on a blazingly hot day 
through hundreds of thousands of 
spectators, Roche was unable to 
shake off Hinault in a group of 
eight pursuers. “Hinault looks 
stronger than he is,” the Lrishman 
said. “He's fortunate that this race 
has run out of mountains,” 

, Before it did, the ΠΌΣΙΣ γῇ 
~siage began with another οἱ 

the Aubisque, 1,710 meters high. 
The peak was crossed from west to 
east, the opposite direction from 

certain to record his fifth victory in αὶ 

the Tour de France, ae i's 
most bicycle road race. 
“We'll accept him in our club 
bleh aero said Jacques An- 
quetil, who shares with Eddy 
Merckx the record of five victories 
Sac eceea θα τ 
int only by worl 
wars. dominai cal enon 
in the early 1960¢, Merckx ἃ decade 

Hinault won his first tour in 1978 
and repeated in 1979, 1980 and 
1982. He liked to say in those years 
that the only race was for sccond 
place, behind him, and so it ap- 
eo δ gees (δι eu alter iv 


“He’s back in form again, and I 
don’t see anybody ing him,” 
said Greg LeMond, Hinault's 
teammate, after the finish in Pau of 
the second of Wednesday's half- 
stages. LeMond is behind 
Hinault in least overall elapsed 
time. 2 minutes 13 seconds back. 

Bernard Hinault 
... 48 rounds, and mare to come. 

the moming’s leg.-and tren began a 
§5-kilometet desceat to Pau ina 
which Hinault often led the pack of 
145 riders. 

The winner this time was Regis 
Simon, a joumeyman with the Re- 
doute team; Roche finished fifth in 
the same time as Hinault. 

LeMond had the same clocking 
and was careful to spend the day 
near Hinault, his captain. The 
American caused 2 major flap 
Tuesday when he charged that “the 
team doesn’t want me to win.” 

Furious at the finish, LeMond 
faving wBbest tama to aw ay 

a to draw away 
from Flinault, who struggled badly 
during the late part of the race. 
Despite that, the Frenchman fin- 
ished barely more than a minute . 
behind LeMond, who had no prob- 
Jems climbing. 

LeMond, Hinault’s designated 
heir m next year’s Tour de France, 
was later calied in for a conference _ 
with team officials, who signed him 
last fall to a $1 million contract 
over three years. 

When he LeMond was 

- conuite, “I got a litle carried 

away,” he admitted, explaining 
that when he had said, “this was my 
chance to wear the yellow jersey, 
one of my dreams,” he had not 
intended it the way it sounded. 
What he really meant, LeMond 
said after the debriefing, was that 

τ hehad hoped to wear the symbol of 

leadership only for a day before © 

returning it to Hinault, 

“If they paid me $1 million, P'd 
be happy to settle for second © 
place,” Roche joked Wednesday, 
Roche is looking for another em- - 
ployer because the Redoute team is - 
folding at the end of this season, ὁ 

Roche was quoted as having - 
added that he wied to ᾿ 
LeMond to attack with him during 
Wednesday's morning climb. “Pl 
take the slage and you'll take the 
yellow jersey.” he said he told Le. . 
Mond, ig to tempt him into a 
relay. 3 

But, Roche τι ed, LeMond’ 
merely smiled tack at him ont 
stayed close to Hinault, 



Bre κα 

τον τὰ 


Bring Back Ma Bell 

1 ASHINGTON — Garfinkel 
called me up. “I would like 
you 1o become a member of the 
‘Sons of Ma Bell Telephone Users 

“Whats you story?” 

8 ἡ 

“Alter alle! hype about launch- 
ing a new improved drink, Coca- 
Cola was willing τὸ salvage the” 
original Coke. 

le to per- 
suade the tele 
phone company & 
to bring back the 
old Ma Bell sys- 
tem. After all, 
telephone con- 
sumers have 
taste too, The 
reason Coca- 

the publ 
that they couldn't take the Mak 
from their customers about their 
‘new improved product" If the 
Coke company can't take the pres- 
sure, we fii the telephone com- 
pany is erable as well” 

“Do you want everyone to go 
back to the old phone system?” 

“No, we're tla 5 τὰς <a 
marketing pl . We don't 
want them to drop! the sath way of 
providing phone service. All we're 
asking is thal everyone in the Unit- 
ed States be given a choice between 
the old Ma Bell and what have 
inflicted on all of us since. We': 
not ones to tell a user what to 
—— If you like the resent tele- 
phone system with its fancy prices, 
figh-tech recorded voices and un- 
intelligible computer-coded_item- 
ized bills, then we say stick with the 
new. If you prefer constant break- 
downs and service technicians who 
deny jurisdiction over your phone 
problem, you're probably satisfied 
with the improved product. 

BEDJING — A newly repaired 
section of the Great Wall of China 


Its 30th Birthda 
eget The New Orleans Symphony has 
earn δ τανε foe afiendly y approved the appointment of Max- 
human voice gave you information By Dennis Anderson im Shostakovich, the Soviet con- 
and the repairman was at your The Associated Press ductor who defected to the West in 
house before you hung up, then you NAHEIM, California — Dis- 1981, as music director for ΤΣ 
should have a right to opt for the | 2 Aneyland, the granddaddy of years beginning in the fall of 1986. 
old system. The “Sons of Ma Bell’ | theme celebrati Suasrairec, son ox tie come 
believe in free choice.” Dmitri Shostakovich, def with 
Π neyland defined the theme park his son, Dmitri, to West Germany 
᾿ τ and changed forever the idea of after a European tour with the 
“I admire your goals, but, it family-oriented exitertaimment. Moscow Radio Symphony Orches- 
seems to me that it's easier to bring tra. He was granted political asy- 
back a soft drink than it is to resur- lum in the United States and lives 

rect ἃ communications system.” in Richfield, Connecticut. He will 

“T don't agree with you,” Garfin- lace Philippe Entremont 25 ταῦ- 
kel said. “The Coca-Cola compagy ie director ‘of the New Orleaas 
is the most institution in Symphony; Entremont is leaving to 
the world. ferent Aa become principal conductor of the 
made a mistake, surely a piddli Denver Symphony. 
bevogred sian same D 
thing. It’s no bi for the people =e. 

life in hundreds of and eventually Chart has decided t 

Tras ta ΟΣ con ete thousands of our cities and towns jon "Dymusy I" instead of Tun. 
ee Resales cts poe ae will never be the same — which is ning for the U. 5. Senate. The ac- 
ing, Maybe tke breakup of Ma Ball to say, improved.” tor, 60, confirmed that he 
The visual treats planned for had been asked to 8 1986 run 

wasn’t such a good idea after all. So 

now we're giving you the choice of for the Senate seat in California 


the birthday bash i 
the new phone system or the ‘clas- i show in the sky and an now held by Alan Cranston. But 
sic’ one you were attached to in the Heston chose instead 9 play a ΤᾺ 
; is satistvi coon named Jason y j= 
Pe ne Tne Coca ae nasty Π: The Colbys of Califor- 

nia.” The program is scheduled to 
start this Hines as a spinoff of 
“Dynasty,” the ABC evening dra- 

blew it, and we want to make it up 
to you.” 

ay ais etikes* Ta πεῖ ar the family of a Deneet οἱ 
a illionaire. . . . rench soap 
τοβ ξερίπῳ οι rot eee 
Garfinkel said. “1 i Disneyland’s 250 millionth : Ἢ ς 2 net 
lovers can ral p oclaagin its For 12-year-old Rhonda Kight ee ase co Hy 
knees, the ‘Sons of Ma Bell’ should | οἱ Camarillo, California, scrapped because doctors said 
be able to make the phone people | vent was the latest in a series of Chantal Nobel, who played ἃ ruth- 
cry ‘uncle. Disneyland less heiress, would extensive 
qa “We've been here for all the therapy after being ρὲ lyzed in 8 

“There is one with | birthdays, Mickey's and Doo- Sas wreck, Sind cmd Dey Fenupe 
crusade,” I told him. “Coca | sld's and now this” she said, star- ma for ix weeks after the ear in 

was able to back the old FE Oe oe oe τπαπ, vice president of Walt Di Se ie na tide akin καττὰ 
Coke because it exists as a ters, Snow White. (Mi use : Disney = τ crashed ἢ 
company. The system | sumed 50 in 1978, and Donald Productions. singer Sacha Distel, m 

Last year, Walt Disney Pro- ue d Apa. 
duction: had bee Rg An RY ὁ : Oo 
in revaane from Disneyland, : - An unidentified American's £6- 
ι (εν million million) pledge to the 
i ἐν i Tete. Live ro an may have 
been phony, an accountant for the 
charity says. Philip Rusted, the 
Band Aid Trust's London accoun- 

send every and sena- pag lad ae beet oe 
tor 10 six-packs of empty Coca, Schwartner said. “I was just old duing Sarurday's rock marathon 
Cola cans. Our message to Wash- to remember what it was — would be “treated as a hoax” 
ington is that the telephone is | like. Walt Disney put me on his until proved otherwise, as trust of- 
almost as important as a soft drink, ned and asked me ΕἸ could ficials had been unable to contact 

| if Coke drinkers now have a | wiggle my ears. When he talked Walt Disney with Disneyland’s first two visitors, Mi- | the donor. The estimate of the total 
choice between the old and the { to you, he was so warm. It was Disney , sat * raised by the Live Aid rock con- 
. new, the telephone consumer has a | like no one else was around.” chael Schwartner and his cousin Christine Watkins. | Cousin and Philadefphia is 

now estimated at £40 million 



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has pleasure in inviting all those visitin, 
London for the American Bar Association 
Conference to a unique exhibition of the 

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cepted Kema i; Postfoch 170gaa 

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ld, Tek al. 

720 W142. The 95130. ὲ 


72 |DAPETUS = ZURICH « 252 76 2. 


Shostakovich Appointed 

champagne with Sichuan food 

edlebrate their 25th adding κηρὶ; . 
versary in Beijing. The forme. 

Democratic vice-presidential tan. 
didate and her bushand are οὐ 2 

tour of the Far East with their chi} -.. 
dren, Donne. Joba Jr. and Lara, ᾿ς 

aged 19 to 33, 

[5] . ὗν 
Mayor Edward J. Koch of New 

York has blasted as inaccurate gr 
forthcoming book that claims be - 

feared President Jimmy Curtey. 
wanted him assassinated and 

he called Representative ᾿ 
εἴϊηπις a “Watusi” and a “Zuly,* 
The unflattering and uoaothorized’ 
biography. “i. Koch” is scheduled 
to go on 

weeks before the city’s Democratic 

ἡ. lt was written by three 
Pumallsts. Dan Collins, Arthur 
Browne and Michael Goodwin, and 

was conceived of as a rebuttal to- 

Koch's hest-selling autal a 

“Mayor.” Koch defended his ey 

acterization of Dellums, a Demo. 
crat of Califurnia, bt saying he had 
referred to Dellums as “Zulu war- 
tior” and a “Warusi prince,” He 
called Dellums about book, Be 

said, and Dellums “told me be'ua-. - 

derstood it was not pejorative at 
ae : 
o ΠΗ 
Stacy Keach told his tale of co- 
caine to ἃ congressional committee 
Tuesday, saying he preferred being 
in jail to being a prisoner to drugs. 
“There is no greater imprisonment 
than that of being oa 
any chemical substance’ for one’s . 

existence,” the actor said in his first. 

public comment on his cocaine’ 
problem since finishing a.siz- . 
month Briush jail term. Keach; 
who was arrested at Heathrow Ai-- 
port last year with 1.3 ounces of the 

drug in his luggage, said be kad _ 

rided himself on not needing 
eemutch™ before be tried cocaine. 

“Within a few short months, co - 


caine became an integral 
life,” he said. “But I sti : 
and blindly refused to abandon the 
notion that I could take it-or leave ᾿ 
it. I thought that 1 was in control of 
the drog and not vice versa.” ‘ 

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